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Obey Health Protocols to Restore Economy and Prevent Covid-19


By: Dodik Prasetyo )*

We must do health protocols such as wearing cloth masks and washing hands, because the Covid-19 pandemic is still ongoing. Even though it was already in the new normal era, the situation was not completely normal. So do not be careless and even lazy in maintaining hygiene and body immunity.

Do we still obey the health protocol? Unfortunately there are still many who ignore it. They assumed that the Covid-19 pandemic had passed, so no need to bother wearing masks when doing activities outside the home. Though this carelessness can be fatal because it causes Corona transmission through OTG patient droplets scattered on the streets.

Achmad Yurianto, a government spokesman in handling Covid-19 stated that this virus has spread throughout Indonesia. Among the 34 provinces, none is free of Corona. We still need to remain vigilant and protect ourselves from the Covid-19 virus, by adhering to health protocols. Because Covid-19 virus will not land on a healthy body.

Even though now the entire city has been divided into zones such as green, yellow, red and even black, people should not underestimate this disease. When you are in the green zone, you can still get Corona from other people who have traveled to the red zone city. So bring a hand sanitizer when traveling and keep your distance.

Especially if that person has visited a black zone city like Surabaya. Must quickly do a swab test or do self-isolation for 14 days. So everyone is expected to be aware of the dangers of Corona and obey the rules given by the government.

When obeying health protocols, we protect ourselves from Corona’s ferocity. We also help medical workers who work endlessly in treating Covid-19 patients. Because by preventing the transmission of Corona, the number of patients will be reduced dramatically. At present too many medical workers have died from contracting the Covid-19 virus.

Because of the reduced number of medical personnel at the Hospital, volunteer vacancies are currently being opened. They do not have basic health, but they are quite helpful in encouraging gurney and become assistants of health workers. When we are disciplined in maintaining hygiene and immunity, of course their tasks will be lighter, because no new patients enter the hospital.

If we follow the health protocol, at least wear a mask and diligently wash hands, it will affect the economic recovery. When everything is healthy, it will move smoothly, and the market will reopen. The merchants’ business will be running again because customers are starting to emerge. Of course they also sell by wearing masks.

Economic recovery will not occur when everyone is undisciplined. There are still many buyers and sellers in the market who are lazy to wear cloth masks. Though the price is very affordable and often distributed free of charge by the police. It was proven in Kebumen Market that it was forced to close because there were 21 traders who were positive about Corona, after conducting a rapid test.

This carelessness that makes us worried because it can make a second wave of Covid-19 virus attack. If this really happens, it will be bad because there will be more patients. We might have to stay home longer and the market will close again. Or the government decides to lockdown totally, which will kill the economic sector.

Therefore, never underestimate the Covid-19 virus. Obey the health protocol and keep wearing a cloth mask. Appreciate the struggle of the medical staff who work day and night in Corona patients. Don’t increase their burden by increasing the number of patients. By adhering to health protocols, we can also save the economic sector.

)* The author is a contributor to the Indonesian Strategic Information Study Agency (LSISI)

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