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Optimal Government to Implement Vaccination in Papua


By: Rebecca Marian) *
The central government continues to optimize the distribution of vaccines to various regions in Indonesia, including Papua. These efforts were carried out in order to accelerate the formation of collective immunity to prevent the transmission of Covid-19.
The Papua Provincial Health Office is ready to distribute the Covid-19 vaccine which has just arrived in Papua, totaling 20,800 vials to district health offices throughout Papua Province, but the condition is that the local Health Office must prepare a storage warehouse.
This was conveyed by the head of the Disease Prevention and Control Division at the Papua Provincial Health Office, Dr. Aaron Rumainum via WhatsApp Group on January 25, 2021.
Previously, Papua had received 14,680 synovac vaccines and it has been distributed to Jayapura City, Mimika Regency and Jayapura Regency.
In principle, the Provincial Health Office has communicated with friends in the Health Office such as in Biak, Yapen, Supiori, Nabire, Wamena and Merauke regarding storage warehouse readiness, if they have prepared a warehouse, of course the vaccines will be distributed immediately.
There are 2 districts that have stated that they are ready to receive vaccines, namely Keerom and Merauke. Aaron said Keerom asked for 1000 vaccines and it would be distributed there soon.
In addition, Merauke Regency is also ready to receive vaccines, but what will be given is not the amount requested, namely 5000 vials, but is adjusted to the target number and essential officials, namely officials who will be vaccinated when the district launches later.
Doctor Aaron also assessed that the Ministry of Health had issued a letter regarding the number of vaccines to be received by each district / city based on the number of targets.
Previously, the Papua Provincial Government had trained 200 officers implementing the Covid-19 vaccination. These officers will provide covid-19 vaccine injections to vaccination target residents in 29 districts and cities in Bumi Cenderawasih.
Papua Province Regional Secretary Doren Wakerwa explained that his region had received 14,680 doses of vaccine. The first phase of Covid-19 vaccination was focused on the city and district of Jayapura and Mimika Regency.
Doren stated that the number of vaccines received by Papua Province was 14,680 doses of vaccine that would be given from January to March 2021.
He added that Jayapura city received 3,464 doses of vaccine, Jayapura Regency 1,343 doses of vaccine and Mimika Regency 2,449 doses of vaccine.
Doren emphasized that the vaccination was part of the government’s efforts to control the transmission of the corona virus. The target of Covid-19 vaccination in the first phase is mainly health workers.
On a different occasion, the Chairman of the Papua Customary Council (DAP) Region III Domberai, West Papua, Zakarias Horota, invited the whole community not to be provoked by various false news regarding the dangers of Covid-19 vaccination.
Horota invites its citizens to support the Government’s national Covid-19 vaccine injection program in an effort to end the status of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Horota said it was a matter of healthy choices to live in the midst of a pandemic, not a matter of being invited or forced. Therefore all parties support the vaccination program in West Papua.
He said it was impossible for the government to harm the community through the Covid-19 vaccine. He also admitted that he had intended to reject the vaccination program in the West Papua region, because he was instigated by false news.
However, on second thought, it is impossible for millions of human lives in West Papua to be harmed by the government through the vaccination program. Finally, he was also willing to be vaccinated first.
The Covid-19 vaccination in West Papua Province was officially opened by Governor Dominggus Mandacan at the West Papua Provincial Hospital, Thursday, January 2021. The recipient of the first vaccine in West Papua was the Deputy head of the West Papua Prosecutor’s Office (wakajati), Witono.
Witono himself said that the vaccine was part of the government’s efforts to reduce the negative effects of the spread of Covid-19 in West Papua. He also advised the public not to be afraid, because he had been through it and was fine after being vaccinated.
Meanwhile, the Papua Provincial Information Commission also appreciates the government for taking quick steps to vaccinate Covid-19. Likewise, the first injection of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo and in Papua to Aaron Rumaninum.
He said he acknowledged that there were some people who refused to get a vaccine. In fact, vaccination is the government’s effort to treat and reduce mortality and protect itself from the threat of the corona virus.
The implementation of vaccines in Cenderawasih Earth is not without obstacles, but these efforts must be carried out so that the pandemic status can end soon.

) * The author is a Papuan student living in Jakarta

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