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Papuan Students Support Continuation of Special Autonomy


By: Rebecca Marian) *

Special autonomy in Papua will be extended this 2021. The students in Semarang fully support the special autonomy, because they see that there is a lot of progress on the Earth of Cendrawasih. In addition, they can continue their education in higher education, thanks to the special autonomy scholarship fund.

Otsus is a program that exists in Papua and is very special, because with the existence of Otsus, funds are given to build the Earth of Cendrawasih. Initially the OTSus was started in 2001 and will end in 2021. Therefore, this year the otsus will definitely be extended. The goal is to continue development in Papua completely and not let many projects stall.

The extension of the special autonomy was very well received by the Papuan people. They feel that the Earth of Paradise is progressing thanks to the special autonomy, because many infrastructures have been built. Starting from the Youtefa Bridge to Jalan Trans Papua, everything facilitates the mobility of the community. So that it saves travel time and travel costs.

Papuan native students are also very supportive of special autonomy. Jefrot Jumper, a representative from the Papuan student association in Semarang, stated that they support special autonomy in Papua. In addition, Papua is part of Indonesia, so being loyal to the Republic of Indonesia is a fixed price.

The students support Papua’s special autonomy and thanked the government. Because thanks to the special autonomy scholarship funds, they can continue their studies, even continue up to the university level. Even if high school graduates are capable, they are also able to study at universities abroad and make Papua proud in the eyes of the world.

One of the alumni of the Special Autonomy Scholarship who is successful in his career is Billy Mambrasar. Currently he is a young official, because he was appointed by President Jokowi to become a special millennial staff. The effect of the special autonomy scholarship is so devastating that a Papuan son can become a successful person at a young age, and motivates others to follow in his footsteps.

Thanks to the special autonomy scholarship, the people of Papua are getting smarter, and are able to develop their own regions because of their intelligence. In the Special Autonomy there is a rule that a Governor and his deputy, in Papua and West Papua, must be held by indigenous Papuans. So that they can work together to build the Earth of Paradise.

In addition, the students are loyal to the Republic of Indonesia and reject separatist groups. They totally reject the idea of ​​an independent Papua, because Papua and West Papua are provinces in Indonesia. The government has paid great attention to the Papuan people, one of which is the special autonomy program. So that the seduction of the separatist group is simply rejected.

Students are loyal to the Republic of Indonesia because they know that the idea of ​​an independent Papua is ridiculous. How can separatists feel that Papua is being colonized by Indonesia? Because an invader would not want to spend a lot of money to build bridges and other infrastructure in Papua.

The support from Papuan students is very important for the continuation of the special autonomy, because they can also campaign for this program to their families, distant relatives, and other people on the Earth of Cendrawasih. They guarantee that the special autonomy is very good for the progress of Papua. So that more people will also support the continuation of the special autonomy in 2021.

When everyone supports Otsus volume 2, then this program will be successful. Because there were no groups that opposed or demonstrated when the official special autonomy was extended. They are united and believe that the autonomy volume 2 will further advance Papua, so that more infrastructure will be built on the Earth of Cendrawasih.

Papuan native students support the extension of special autonomy because they get college scholarships thanks to this program. Special autonomy is very good for progress on the Earth of Cendrawasih, because a lot of infrastructure was built, for the welfare of the people.

) * The author is a Papuan student living in Jakarta

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