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Papuan Youth Welcome Papua Youth Creative Hub


By : Saby Kosay )*

Papua Youth Creative Hub or PYCH, will be inaugurated by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). It is hoped that this place will give birth to the seeds of a new generation in the Cendrawasih Land, who will excel in the arts and sciences. The youth welcome the Papua Youth Creative Hub because they will be facilitated to learn various things, such as business and the latest technology.

Equitable development was one of the programs emphasized during President Jokowi’s administration. He likes to visit the people all the way to Papua, to listen to the people’s voice. So that people know what is needed by the community and there will be a principle of justice, because all the people from Sabang to Merauke get the attention of the government.

One area that has received special attention from President Jokowi is Papua. In fact, he is the President of Indonesia who visits Cendrawasih Earth the most. The President understands that Papuan youth need places and facilities to be more advanced, therefore the government is also building a Papua Youth Creative Hub in the Manokwari area.

Papuan youths welcome the Papua Youth Creative Hub. The West Papua Province Inspiring Young Papua Coordinator, Simon Tabuni, stated that the Papua Youth Creative Hub (PYCH) building in Manokwari will be a place for the younger generation to develop themselves, their interests and talents so that they can contribute to the progress of the Papuan nation.

Inspiring Young Papua (PMI) thanked President Joko Widodo and Head of BIN Budi Gunawan for the construction of the PYCH building.

The construction of the PYCH building in Manokwari Regency is an order, idea and support from the President of the Republic of Indonesia Ir. Joko Widodo, and Head of BIN General Pol (Purn), Budi Gunawan, who was then followed up by Deputy IV for Economic Intelligence at BIN, Made Kartikajaya.

This building will later be used by PMI in carrying out its work program to accelerate the welfare of the people of Papua. PMI will later work together, develop and continue to be the engine for the development of young human resources on Earth of Cendrawasih.

The creation of the Papua Youth Creative Hub is a follow-up to President Jokowi’s meeting with a number of young Papuans in September 2019. Then when inaugurating the Youtefa bridge at the end of 2019, the President appreciated the launch of the Inspiring Young Papua program, including the Papua Youth Creative Hub.

The Papua Youth Creative Hub has finally been completed and inaugurated by President Jokowi. Papuan youths are enthusiastic because they will meet the head of state. They are very grateful because President Jokowi pays attention to young people in Bumi Cendrawasih so that they can be more advanced.

Papuan youths want to follow in the footsteps of Billy Mambrasar who is a young official in Jakarta, who is originally from Papua. With the Papua Youth Creative Hub, they can learn and be creative so that their future is even brighter.

President Jokowi stated that the Papua Youth Creative Hub could develop the talents of Papuan youths in various fields, ranging from science, sports, arts and culture, etc. They have great potential for advancement. Later, the Papua Youth Creative Hub will become a forum for various talents such as millennial farmers, digital ecosystems, and research and innovation development.

The Papua Youth Creative Hub is a place that will have various facilities, including co-working spaces, spaces for learning technology, digital technology, concert halls, spaces for product innovation, dormitories and sports facilities. It is hoped that the various facilities provided will be able to help Papuan youths develop their potential.

So far it could be that young Papuans have talent but are confused about where to channel it or have no place to form a community, even though it would be a shame if their talents were to be wasted. Therefore the existence of the Papua Youth Creative Hub should be appreciated because it can be a gathering place. So that young people share  and  collaborate to create new works.

With the facilities available at the Papua Youth Creative Hub, young people from Bumi Cendrawasih who are talented in the arts will be able to develop their talents. They can become big artists like Edo Kondologit, Nowela, Funky Papua, Ari Sihasale, etc. who are citizens of Papuan descent. So that they will be able to become acting artists, singers, or professional art workers.

Interestingly, at the Papua Youth Creative Hub there are not only facilities available for the development of arts and culture, but also modern agriculture, digital technology, and innovation. So that young people will become farmers who innovate and create new crop variants. Then by mastering digital technology, they can market it via the internet so that the reach of buyers is wider.

Papuan youths welcomed the inauguration of the Papua Youth Creative Hub. They thank the government, especially President Jokowi, for providing the facilities and means to be more advanced. With the Papua Youth Creative Hub, they can learn about entrepreneurship and technology to make them smarter and advance the Earth of Cendrawasih.

)* The author is a Papuan student living in Yogyakarta

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