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People Must Obey Health Protocols during the Covid-19 Pandemic


By: Deka Prawira ) *

The difficulty of some people to comply with health protocols makes the covid task force team dizzy, because they don’t get infected with corona but are lazy to wear masks. Dissemination of the importance of discipline in wearing masks and other protocols must be intensified. The goal is that the number of Covid patients has decreased dramatically and we can be free from the pandemic phase.

At the start of the pandemic, in March 2020, people were scared and even paranoid. We dare not go outside the house, not even to the terrace. Everyone is scrambling to buy masks, even the price has jumped dramatically. Herbs such as ginger and turmeric are also bought because they are claimed to cure corona .

However, when the PSBB was declared complete and replaced with micro-restrictions, the level of fear began to decline. Public places such as markets and supermarkets are starting to open, with conditions that must comply with health protocols. People are starting to dare to go out of the house and stock up a lot of disposable masks .

Unfortunately for a long time it seemed as if we were exposed to amnesia and forgot that currently there is still a threat of corona . Starting there are some people who are lazy to wear masks, because they feel the pandemic is over. The reason is, he and his family are fine. Even though they could have contracted it from OTG and eventually got corona , and when it was fatal (bleeding lungs) just regretted it.

President Jokowi stated that there were not fewer people who did not adhere to health protocols, but more and more. The cause is ineffective socialization. Meanwhile, epidemiologists added that so far, the socialization of health protocols has only been one-way (dissemination), so it is less effective.

President Jokowi added that in order for the protocol socialization to be more effective, it needs to be intensified through the PKK. It is hoped that with the explanation from the PKK cadres, the community will be more obedient to the protocol. In that sense, the President wants all Indonesian citizens to be disciplined, so that they do not get corona .

It is hoped that the socialization of corona through the PKK will be more effective, because most people will feel uncomfortable when told by cadres who are actually more senior. Mothers will be more orderly wearing masks, not only when shopping at the market, but when watering flowers in the yard they also wear them.

If the target is the mother, then automatically her husband and children will follow. Because the boys will imitate their mother and the loving husband will heed his wife’s advice. So that from 1 person who is given the socialization, it affects at least 2 other people.

Socialization about the importance of wearing masks, washing hands, and maintaining distance still needs to be done even though we have been hit by the pandemic for a year. This is because the number of corona patients per day reaches 4,900 people and the total number of patients is more than 1.5 million people in Indonesia (data on April 19, 2021). Logically, when everything is in order, of course no one gets sick and the number of patients decreases.

The increase in the number of corona patients is certainly surprising. The reason is, a few weeks ago the number of Covid patients was ‘only’ 4,000 people, but instead it jumped to nearly 5,000 people per day. This is very sad because the transmission of corona is carried out by OTG which is not in an orderly protocol. While the victims are babies and toddlers, as well as the elderly, because they are more susceptible to corona .

Therefore, let’s remain disciplined in adhering to health protocols. Not only for your own safety, but also for the safety of others, especially your beloved family. Do not let us be lazy to wear masks when riding motorbikes and eventually become OTG, then infect the children at home.

Being disciplined to adhere to health protocols is not difficult, as long as we intend to avoid corona . The price of masks is also affordable and disposable masks are easier to find in convenience stores, as well as hand sanitizers . Adhere to protocols so that the number of corona patients decreases and the pandemic ends quickly.

) * The author is a contributor to the Cikini Press Circle and Students

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