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PON XX Papua Gives Attention to Health and Security Aspects


By: Rebeca Marian

The government guarantees that the implementation of PON Papua will pay attention to health and security aspects. The consideration is expected to prevent the emergence of new clusters of Covid-19 while at the same time reducing the disturbance of Kamtibmas from the Papuan Separatist and Terrorist (KST) group.

Security and health issues are two crucial issues ahead of the implementation of the Papua National Sports Week (PON). Responding to the discourse, the Minister of Youth and Sports Zainudin Amali emphasized that there would be no postponement of the championship and vaccination for the participation of the 2021 Papua PON, the Minister of Youth and Sports also guaranteed the safety of the event which was widely reported as noisy. Zainudin said that the problems that had been a nuisance in preparation turned out to be slowly getting solutions and solutions.

Marciano Norman as a KONI official has confirmed that his party has hooked up the police and special units in Papua to secure the event. Therefore, Marciano appealed to athletes from all regions participating in PON to continue the training camp process without being influenced by negative news about Papua.

Marciano said that the issue of the security situation, which had been worried about because of the dynamics in Papua, was also very dynamic. Therefore, he has received full support from the Papua Police Chief and the Cenderawasih Regional Military Commander. So that PON Papua continues to run as expected and is still in the planned time and activities.

Meanwhile, Dr. Harry Papilaya, who represents the Director of Occupational Health and Sports, also confirmed that the Ministry of Health will support the implementation of the XX PON in Papua. He said that all activities in the health sector were in accordance with the planned schedule.

On a different occasion, the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) ensured that it had prepared a health protocol (prokes) along with a special health team for the XX Papua National Sports Week (PON) which will take place on October 2-15. Dr. Harry Papilaya said, in June and July there were already training activities for health human resources to oversee PON activities. Specially trained health team.

In addition to the special health team, he explained that the Ministry of Health has also run several programs for Papua PON, including vaccination of Papuan athletes and people and the preparation of health protocol guidelines. He also revealed that vaccination in Papua has complied with the standards and has entered the fourth stage for the general public.

In addition to health protocols, the Ministry of Health and PB PON have also compiled several guidelines tailored to the location of the match and each sport. Regarding the protocol for the arrival of PON participants to Papua, the Ministry of Health has determined that athletes and officials will only be required to undergo an antigen swab test without quarantine obligations, in accordance with a circular regarding inter-island population movement during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Previously, the Papua Province Religious Communication Forum (FKUB) appealed to the people in its territory to participate in the success of the XX PON in October 2021. The head of the Papua Province FKUB, Reverend Lipiyus Biniluk in Jayapura, said that his party appreciated the local government inviting all interfaith leaders to sit down with is in Papua.

According to Pdt Lipiyus, he agreed that there are many important things that need to be communicated where his party can do things according to their respective tupoksi. He said that FKUB’s job is to pray, so that with the information obtained, it will be supported in prayer.

Previously, the provincial government of Papua asked the local Religious Communication Forum (FKUB) to participate in filling out development and supporting government programs. Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Papua Province Dance Yulian Flassy, ​​said the government asked interfaith leaders to participate in the success of organizing PON in October 2021 in Papua.

PON XX in Papua is a big event and a source of pride for Papua and Indonesia, so security at the event must be maintained. To maintain security stability, BIN has collaborated with the TNI and Polri to carry out a number of intelligence operations, security recovery operations, and maintain security stability. Until now, future security predictions can still be maintained.

What needs to be done is the pattern of the security system, either open or closed. This needs to be done, following the planned visit of the head of state and the ambassador, especially in the Asia-Pacific region.

Although the Papuan people have stated that they are ready for the implementation of the grand event, it is possible that disturbances could occur. So that all steps and preventive efforts to maintain conduciveness in Papua must still be realized.

(The author is a Papuan student living in Jakarta)

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