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Postpone Homecoming, Covid-19 Is Still Ferocious


By Aditya Akbar) *

The Covid-19 pandemic has not ended, Covid-19 is still vicious, so there is no other choice but to implement health protocols and postpone Eid homecoming in 2021. Doni Monardo, as Chair of the Task Force for handling Covid-19, reminds the public about the ban on Lebaran 2021 homecoming.

On May 1, 2021, Doni conducted a survey at the location of the blocking post at the Palimanan Toll Gate to monitor the homecoming residents. Doni also asked the officers to closely guard every passing vehicle. Strictly speaking, Doni said that the Lebaran 2021 homecoming tightening was aimed at preventing the transmission of the Corona virus which caused Covid-19 in Indonesia. He also asked to maintain the good trends that already exist in dealing with the pandemic. Doni also warned that the homecoming isolation post officers on guard could be properly regulated. He advised not to let any post be empty and it had to be guarded for 24 hours.

The Covid-19 Task Force has also issued Circular Number 13 of 2021 along with its addendum regarding tightening the requirements for Domestic Travel Actors (PPDN) during D-14 eliminating homecoming (22 April-5 May 2021 and D + 7 for eliminating homecoming (18 May-24 May) 2021). Ida Fauziyah as the Minister of Manpower (Menaker) also expressed the same thing, asking Indonesian migrant workers (PMI) who are currently in placement countries to postpone their homecoming for Lebaran this year. going home because he missed his family, mother, father, children and other relatives in his hometown. He also hopes that PMI’s intention to go home, can be postponed first. Ida said, although steps in overcoming the Covid-19 pandemic continue to be encouraged and the vaccination program is still continuing running, but the situation in the country is not yet fully conducive.

In addition, time-consuming travel from the country of placement to Indonesia will increase the potential for Covid-19 transmission to PMIs. If the homecoming is over, there will be a possibility that the placement country will not allow Indonesian workers to re-enter. If allowed to pass, of course, must have very strict requirements, such as carrying out a PCR test and quarantine for several weeks.

Therefore, Ida asked migrant workers to remain patient and take advantage of technology to communicate with families in the virtual room to celebrate Eid Al-Fitr 2021. Like the Task Force, the Minister of Manpower has also issued circular No. M / 7 / HK.04 / 2021 concerning Restriction of Eid Al-Fitr 1442 Hijriyah Homecoming Activities for Workers / Laborers and PMI in Efforts to Control the Spread of the Coronavirus.

In the circular addressed to Governors and various related parties, the Minister of Manpower appealed to private workers and PMI not to go home during the period 6-17 May 2021. This is in accordance with the previous government ban. On a different occasion, Deputy Minister of Religion (Wamenag) Zainut Tauhid Sa’adi stated that not going home to Eid during the Covid-19 pandemic as now is the same as jihad for humanity.

He said that in the current state of a pandemic, people face two risks, namely transmitting the virus or contracting the virus, and both are things that are equally dangerous to human safety. Zainut said, not going home is better, because going home will endanger siblings and family. He said that increasing the mobility of residents during long holidays, including during homecoming, is usually followed by an increase in cases of Covid-19 transmission. Therefore, the government has imposed a policy of prohibiting homecoming, to prevent a spike in the decline of the corona virus.

On a different occasion, Haedar Natsir as General Chair of the Muhammadiyah Central Executive, said that delaying homecoming is a form of empathy for health workers who are still struggling in hospitals and volunteers in the face of Covid-19. He actually said that choosing not to go home during the Covid-19 pandemic was part of piety. Regulations on the prohibition of going home have been published in a circular, the issuance of this letter is of course a sign that the pandemic is not over, so we still have to comply with health protocols and postpone going home.

) * The author is a contributor to the Pertiwi Institute

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