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Provocation of Narrative Fraud A Design of Delimitation of Election Efforts


By: Risa Nasution )*

The implementation of the 2019 Election which has been going smoothly and safely until now needs to be guarded and maintained. The process of vote recapitulation of the results of the General Elections conducted by the KPU was still being carried out until it was completed to determine the people’s representatives as well as the president and vice president for the next five years. The big momentum of the elections this year was very dynamic and exciting, so that the relationship of friendship and friendship that has been established for decades can be cracked and bland because the political partner fight that is supported so hard and each person defends his candidate in the 2019 general election even without rational even though. Especially if it’s seasoned and compiled with hoaxes and slanderous news.

When all elements of community representation are trying to make the 2019 elections successful, there are parties who in a clear capacity issue bragging. From saying various forms of cheating to utterances that lead to threats to move the masses to reject the election results. Strangely, bullying in the name of people power as a form of extra-parliamentary movement was only aimed at the presidential election. Where if the incumbent is declared to have won, the opposing party represented by one of the senior success teams is said to be mobilizing extra parliamentary power. The rural condition concludes that there are parties who are not ready to lose, and the KPU is always wrong in the eyes of the losers.

The cheating narrative was deliberately created before and during the voting, the purpose was very clear, and it was part of the “scenario” to delegate the final results of the vote count from the KPU. The point is from repeated cheating, to instill memories of the community that the KPU is cheating. That way, when the final vote count results were announced by the KPU, and stated Jokowi-Ma’ruf as the winner, the stronghold of 02 would immediately reject it, as did the supporters. The KPU’s stigma was fraudulent in their memories, for that reason they refused. That’s the real point of interest.

The reason for not being able to accept the results of the Quick Count of various survey institutions, is merely an attempt to give a negative stigma to the survey institutions, and even then part of the big scenario to reject the results of the Presidential Election. The narrative of cheating was not only addressed to the KPU, but also to various survey institutions, by providing stamps as paid survey institutions. Rationally, if it is true, how much money should be spent to pay such a large number of survey institutions.

Does faction 02 not pay survey institutions for the results of their internal surveys? Based on the purpose of rejecting the final results of the KPU vote count. Errors in inputting data by the KPU, not only detrimental to camp 02, but also to camp 01. Both camps have the same opportunity to be considered cheating and cheating. Kubu 02 actually already knew that, only because it had an interest in rejecting the final results of the KPU, the cheating narrative was created continuously until the goal was successful, so that the ongoing fraud issue became a truth especially when wrapped and accompanied by wrapping sensitive issue wrapping.

Error inputting C1 data based on information from KPU Commissioner Wahyu Setiawan, from form C1 to Situng site, there were only nine polling stations, compared with the number of polling stations available, which was 813,350. So it is only natural that we assume that this cheating narrative is part of a big scenario to delegitimize the KPU, as well as delegitimizing the 2019 Presidential Election. This is the losing scenario that will be carried out by the 02 if it loses in the Real Count KPU. Negative potential can be reduced if all parties from now on are prepared to achieve everything with a cool head and trust official institutions that have authority. Indonesia is a legal state. Whatever problems that conflict with the sense of justice can be resolved in the legal sphere. And, in each election, the space to file a lawsuit is given a place. Hopefully all parties can uphold the rule of law wisely.

The presence of the 2019 Election delegitimation potential both for KPU organizers and for the official results of the 2019 Election, can be seen from various statements and narratives built and conditioned before and after voting by parties who are not ready to lose and only win themselves, such as the emergence of tagar “INAelectionobserverSOS” or “Indonesiacallsobserver, as well as recently #Do not reduce Indonesia which was raised by political camp 02 to signal fraud in the implementation of elections in Indonesia, so that the international community can monitor and suppress election organizers in Indonesia which are considered undemocratic and full of fraudulent practices In addition to trying to shape public perceptions, the viral hashtag also intends to form and provoke community movements that can be used to sue the results of the election later on. This is seen and can be felt previously related to several statements by political figures. it is certain that continues to build delegitimation efforts through negative, hoax and provocative narratives if the candidate loses. Most of that was indeed done by the opposition.

For this reason, the community must be intelligent and not easily provoked, we must save a democracy that is constitutionally sound, so that people who want to divide the nation and want to deviate in an institutional way cannot reach their goals. We all must support the results of the 2019 Election which are legitimate based on the constitution in order to continue national development and maintain the full integrity of national unity.

)* Blogger-IPB Student

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