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Realize the Maturity of Democracy Through the 2020 Peace Election


By: Anggi Tiara) *

Implementation of the elections simultaneously in 2020 this should continue to be supported by the whole society to be able to run smoothly and peacefully. Because this year’s Regional Election is predicted to be potentially prone to conflicts due to massive provocation in cyberspace by raising issues regarding SARA and hoax information. The public is also called upon to realize the peaceful 2020 local elections as a reflection of democratic maturity.

Lying news or hoaxes have colored many events leading up to general elections both regional elections ( Pilkada ), presidential elections (Pilpres) and legislative elections (Pileg) with the aim to deceive, incite hatred or hostility of individuals or certain community groups based on SARA . The impact is the community becomes provoked and triggers anxiety.

N Amun people can make filter, because the massive socialization of media literacy. H anya through these media literacy, smarter communities in addressing any existing information. Many reminded the importance of spreading the message of peace, becoming one of the balancing factors in the community.

Community figure and political figure Way Way, Lampung Province H. Taryadi Ilyas said the community was expected to participate in the elections to be successful, safe, peaceful and cool. “Although there are different choices in the elections , unity and unity in society must be prioritized. Do not let the democratic party which will soon be held can divide the community. Do not let just different choices cause us to be torn to pieces and divided, “he stressed. He explained that despite different choices, as an Indonesian citizen, he must uphold the country’s basic philosophy, Pancasila . It also said that togetherness as youth is needed to maintain security, especially by avoiding the spread of hoax news, SARA politicization , hate speech and money politics.

Through this election , it will be a momentum to produce leaders who are loved by their people, leaders who are responsible and respect diversity. If every democratic party is able to give birth to clean leaders, then the people who will benefit are the people themselves. Conversely, if the leader born is an irresponsible leader, every policy produced is feared to only benefit the interests of certain groups. For this reason, healthy democracy must be our common concern. Only by making democratization healthy in Indonesia, various potential threats that will occur can be minimized. The momentum of the 2020 elections is also expected to further foster a sense of public trust in the democratic process that is being built by the Indonesian people.

*) The writer is a student majoring in political science UNJ

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