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Reunion 212 Lack of Benefits


By: Tuty Alawiyah) *

The 212 Alumni (PA) Brotherhood intends to hold the 212 Reunion again on December 2, 2019 in the Monas Area. The program was considered irrelevant because prayer and prayer can be held in their respective regions without the need to come to Jakarta. The arrival of large masses from various regions to Jakarta only caused a heap of rubbish and community mobility, so it was not excessive if Reunion 212 was considered to be of minimal benefit.

We all know that 212 started with the movement to support the government not to be selective in giving punishment to Ahok who at that time was charged with blasphemy. But the number of participants in the 212 action seemed to be trapped in euphoria and staged many volumes of action, which is certainly questionable, what exactly is the benefit of the 212 Reunion that will be carried out early December.

Chairman of PP Muhammadiyah Haedar Nasir once said that Muhammadiyah would ensure that it would not join the grand reunion conducted by alumni 212. Muhammadiyah considered that the 212 reunion did not provide much benefit to the community. According to Haedar, reunion 17/8/1945 which referred to the independence date of the Republic of Indonesia, was far more beneficial for the community. Independence reunion is also considered to be able to revive the spirit of independence.

From this statement, it certainly shows that the benefits or usefulness of the reunion 212 are still being questioned, moreover political issues are always blurted out, of course we both know that if Habib Rizieq’s character comes later in the reunion, the sound system will be made whining over his speech. far from the impression of cool, hurling hatred can also be said lightly.

Haedar added, that currently the people of Indonesia need things that are more useful. Therefore, his party will not join the grand reunion. Haedar said, his party chose to do more positive activities, which provide benefits for many people.

Meanwhile the 212 alumni reunion plan has been circulating on social media. A number of posters of reunion events circulating on social media mentioned the event titled “Munajat for State Safety: Maulid Agung and Alumni Reunion 212”. The poster also said “God willing, it will be attended by IB-HRS”. Where the word IB-HRS refers to FPI leader Imam Habib Rizieq Shihab.

However, regarding the planned presence of Rizieq Shihab at the 212 Alumni reunion, Rizieq’s attorney, Sugito Atmo Pawiro could not confirm. Responding to this, the General Chairman of the Ansor Youth Movement, Yaqut Cholil Quomas considered that the FPI High Priest Habib Rizieq should not be forced to go back to Indonesia. Yaqut said that Rizieq deliberately went to Mecca, Saudi Arabia because of his own volition. Therefore, Rizieq should have returned to his homeland of his own volition.

He also advised Rizieq to pay an overstayed fine in Mecca in Saudi Arabia so that he could easily return to Indonesia. Of course Habib Rizieq felt miserable and wanted to be present with his members at the 212 reunion later, but maybe he did not have enough money to return to his homeland. If later Habib Rizieq returns to Indonesia, it is possible that members of FPI and PA 212 are raising funds or joint ventures to pay overstayed fees, but if that happens, it is better to donate the money to the Amil Zakat and Sodaqoh Institutions.

Gus Yaqut added that the 212 Reunion was a waste of time, energy and money. This means that reunion 212 only does something redundant, and they should know what the law is redundant. Earlier Muslim scholar Alwi Shihab revealed a number of political elites in the reunion movement at the time trying to move the middle and lower economic community to try to overthrow the government in similar ways used by organizations such as the Hizb ut-Tahrir in Syria.

One strategy used is to hold religious leaders, including the habib, in order to convince the public that the movement is based on Islamic teachings and values. In the FPI organization there are also areas that focus on the enforcement of the khilafah, of course Reunion 212, which is driven by FPI and PA 212, has a high possibility to voice the khilafah in the event.

In fact, Indonesia stands on the agreements between countries to become a state based on unity. This means that if Indonesia changes its ideology to a caliphate, then it is the same as breaking the agreement. If the 212 December Reunion Event is used to provoke or corner the government, then that means they are doing something in vain. We must also be observant and watchful for provocations that may appear on the surface.

) * The author is a social political observer

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