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Security System (Sispam) Ensure Peaceful Elections in Central Java


By: Ajeng Mufadillah

Ahead of the 2019 Election contestation, the police continue to optimize security in Central Java, especially in vulnerable areas such as in Soloraya and Kedu. Solo Polresta held a simulation of Security System (Sisapam) ahead of the 2019 Election. This program demonstrated the occurrence of conflict shortly after the election.

Central Java Regional Police Chief, Inspector General of Police. Tjondro Kirono explained that it would optimize security throughout the Central Java region, including for vulnerability in the Soloraya and Kedu regions. Furthermore, Tjondro said, optimization of security will be carried out from the start of the campaign. The police are intensively conducting training in the city security system in each police station as a form of preparedness in maintaining peaceful elections.

Tjondro explained, his party also coordinated with the General Election Commission (KPU) and political parties to find out the potential for vulnerability as well as a security measure.

He also said that the campaign pattern with a declaration by a successful team must get permission from the local police. Bawaslu also has a role as an officer who has the right to supervise and take action against these activities if he finds any violations.

Separately, the Deputy Chief of Solo Police, AKBP Andy Rifa’i, said that more than 500 joint personnel were deployed in security simulations. This activity was made in such a way as to resemble conditions on the ground, from riots to suicide bombings, prepared in simulations. Andy said, hopefully (events in the field) are not like this simulation. But we still prepare the worst scenario that must be faced.

To realize the readiness and professionalism of personnel, training is needed, one of which is the City Security System (Sispamkota), this is a form of training when the security situation in Kendal Regency is not conducive (mass anarchists), the impact of the 2019 Election is that appropriate applicable laws and regulations.

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