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Show Transparency, Pansel Performance Is Assessed Good And Professional


By: Alfisyah Kumalasari )*

Leaning news related to the KPK Committee seems to be a trending topic. The election of the KPK Capim is also prone to criticism from various parties. However, the Pansel were able to refute the accusations by showing transparency.

Various parties worked together to help the Pansel performance to be able to provide optimal results. Namely by involving PPATK also the State Intelligence Agency. Not only that the Capim selection process was also assisted by the House of Representatives Commission III in its follow-up test. So it is expected to be able to capture credible Capim according to the criteria.

Yenti Ganarsih, as Chair of the KPK Capim Committee, has submitted 10 names of candidates who have passed the test. Which will then be handed over to President Jokowi. These tests include, among others, health tests, public tests, and interviews. The 10 candidates will undergo a fit and proper test which is carried out directly by the DPR RI.

Yenti also responded to various public responses which questioned the credibility of the KPK Capim which was passed by his team. Many people consider that the majority of Capim are not competent regarding the KPK is also legal. However, he still believes that the current candidate is the best choice.

Yenti added that if 10 people will still be considered credibility. It is hoped that KPK Capim can bring about changes in corruption that can be eradicated in the next four years.

The same thing was also expressed by the Executive Board of the Islamic Student Association (PB HMI), who hoped that all parties could appreciate the performance of the KPK leadership candidate selection committee. Not only appreciating but continued to support the performance of the Committee which was considered to have been in accordance with procedures. Because the Pansel team has passed the best candidates.

Logically speaking, it is impossible for the KPK Capim to elect candidates whose abilities are in doubt. Because the formation of the Committee was also known by President Jokowi. So that the accusations regarding Pansel ‘performance are irrelevant.

From various observations the selection process for the 2019 KPK leadership candidates has been going well. Moreover, it is added by the implementation of the interview process which is open to the public. So that transparency can be seen, given the public participation in the election of this Capim is considered as a new thing.

Previously, no interviews were held openly so that the public could watch it. This is done so that the public is able to provide value to the prospective KPK commissioners. Moreover Jokowi also fully supports the KPK Capim Pansel performance results.

Related issues that revolved about certain groups that oppose the existence of elements of government within the body of the KPK, have also been responded to. Because the KPK Law clearly stipulates that the KPK consists of elements from the government as well as the community. Therefore if there is an element of the Police in the selection of Capim and the Prosecutor’s Office it is not natural.

Judging from the KPK’s own function is related to the task of eradicating corruption. One institution that has the authority to investigate, investigate and prosecute criminal acts related to corruption. Also includes preventing further corrupt practices.

Some institutions that were partnered with to support the performance of the KPK are the National Police, the Attorney General’s Office, PPATK (Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center), the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK), including the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP). Through continuous cooperation, it is expected to be able to provide optimal results.

Transparency has been demonstrated by the KPK Capim Pansel. Shouldn’t we entrust the entire process that was held for the election of the KPK Capim. Moreover, many parties have stated that the performance of the Pansel was considered good and professional, according to the procedure.

Various slanted allegations have also been refuted by the chairman of the Pansel Team. He said he gave a variety of evidence if they had worked according to applicable rules. Including involving the public in the Capim selection process (interview session).

Hopefully with the evidence of this performance all parties understand and amend all decisions of the Chancellor regarding KPK commissioner candidates. So that the Committee in the future can also walk more freely in order to optimize its work even better.

We hope that these Capim will later be able to work to eradicate all corrupt practices that are very detrimental to the citizens and state of Indonesia. Able to create a healthier and more directed economic system. So that people’s welfare is even more guaranteed.

)* The author is a social political observer

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