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Ex-OPM: Prosperous Papua with Indonesia


By: Edward Krey) *

Various evidence of development progress and the equal distribution of the welfare of the people of Papua is being highlighted. Some of them were raised by former OPM who eventually rejoined the Republic of Indonesia.
Indonesian society can be calm, the impact of the riots in Papua ended peacefully. Papuan youth leaders also voiced their endless call for peace. Demonstrations were held in several cities in Indonesia simultaneously rejecting Independent Papua. Because they realize that forever Papua is part of Indonesia.

The act of separatism that happened was very unfortunate. This arises as a result of dissatisfaction with a group or organization with the central government. Instead of asking for solutions to problems, separatist actors insist on building their own country with their own authority. Like the case OPM (Free Papua Organization).

We hear a lot if this OPM is an organization that wants Papua to separate from the Unitary Republic of Indonesia. The reason is the feeling of disappointment from the government that is called favoritism. Especially in the matter of infrastructure development and the welfare of Papua are set aside. They assume that if they form their own country, they can prosper by utilizing the natural wealth they have.

However, the fact is that the government has made various development efforts on this Earth of Paradise. This is evidenced by the existence of Law Number 32 Year 2004 regarding regional autonomy. Since the enactment of this rule, even distribution of regional development in Papua has begun. Not unrequited, in fact many OPM people have returned to join the Unitary Republic of Indonesia. Not only one or even thousands of ex-OPM people returned to the archipelago.

One of the interesting stories from the return of the OPM is one of them, John Norotouw. He, who now serves as a servant of God in the Church of the Sentani region, Jayapura, confirms that Papua is prosperous with Indonesia. He also said that now Papua has developed rapidly, even Papuans are masters in their own country with the Special Autonomy of Papua. Even though he did not deny that there were still some areas that were left behind, he was sure this was due to the suboptimal role of the regional government in developing the region.

John Meakinini if ​​the conditions for change are far better at this time the essence of independence is the welfare of the changes that have now been obtained. The December 1 momentum that was formed a few years ago was based on opinion for change due to the political situation at the time. However, he stressed that if his struggle had produced results, Papua had transformed within the NKRI frame.

Previously he had traveled to 28 years of struggles with loby Pacific countries. This was done in order to get support for an independent Papua. However, he decided to return to the archipelago when he saw the condition of Papua developing quite rapidly.

He stated that if a change had taken place, Papuans prospered in the Republic of Indonesia, and many fibers would become masters in their own cities, so what else? Doesn’t this mean that the struggle has been achieved, then which independence do you want to look for? He also claimed to have lived quietly mingled with the community. Enjoy the well-being that he now feels. He felt he had lived peacefully with Indonesia.

He added that if the Act had to be used as a basis and guidelines that indeed Papua was the Indonesian Nation. This cannot be denied because it is a value that must be believed. He also believes that anyone who opposes should accept this Act because it has been proven that Papua underwent significant changes. Which of these things is real and not just promises.

He said he regretted the existence of a person who called for resistance against the government. Moreover, racism which led to division and made the atmosphere more murky. He acknowledged that the government had entrusted abundant funds for the development and welfare of the people of Papua.

Reflecting on this reality, Papua is in fact prosperous with Indonesia and this has also been proven by many, including the events mentioned above. Significant development that has been felt may be a guideline that the government does not annul this Earth of Paradise.

What needs to be watched is the attitude of racism, separatists and other actions of individuals who want Indonesia to be divided for their own interests. Especially now that the government is more aggressively carrying out development in order to further improve the welfare of the people of Papua. Then what else are you looking for?

) * The writer is a Papuan student, living in Yogyakarta

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