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Society Supports the Birth of Omnibus Law


By: Sentiaji Kurniawan )*

The Jokowi-Ma’ruf government continues to commit to simplify regulations which have been one of the obstacles to investment. With the Omnibus Law, all regulations that hamper and overlap will be trimmed. The community from various elements also supported the birth of Omnibus Law because it was believed to be able to overcome the nation’s problems.

It cannot be denied that one of the people’s attention is on the Omnibus Law, especially the Employment Copyright Law. Workers claim this will be detrimental to impoverish their people. Whereas logically, the government wants to make overlapping and complicated regulations better and breathe fresh air for workers.

Earlier, a day after the workers’ demonstration in front of the palace, a number of unions met with the president’s Chief of Staff, Dr. Moeldoko. During the meeting, trade union representatives said that so far they had never received a draft of the Employment Copyright Omnibus Law. According to Ramidi as Secretary General of the Confederation of Indonesian Trade Unions (KSPI), said they could not provide input because they had not yet received a draft.

The meeting with the union representatives was conducted by KSP to listen to their aspirations. The government is currently simplifying at least more than 70 laws related to employment. Later the Omnibus Law Employment Copyright will become a legal umbrella to avoid differences in understanding between existing labor laws.

Ristadi, as the President of the Confederation of National Workers’ Unions (KSPN) asked the government to involve workers in the drafting of the Omnibus Law on Employment Copyright. According to him, workers are ready to support all government efforts if the Omnibus Law aims to simplify administrative issues. Especially if the final focus is to improve the welfare of workers.

Trade union representatives also appreciated KSP’s move to gather trade union representatives to listen to input. During the meeting the trade union representatives present consisted of the Confederation of All Indonesian Trade Unions (KSPSI), the Confederation of Indonesian Prosperous Trade Unions (KSBSI), KSPN, KSPI, Federation of Indonesian Timber and Forestry Trade Unions (FSP Kahutindo), along with the Indonesian Islamic Trade Unions (KSBI) K-Sarbumusi).

Responding to trade union complaints, Moeldoko ensured that the government would always listen to input from various elements related to the discussion of the Draft Law (RUU). No exception to the Omnibus Law Employment Copyright. Because he considered this Omnibus Law (Cipta Karya Kerja) was created to bring up new employment opportunities and not merely a matter of investment.

In making it, the government will create a good business climate amid the rapid labor numbers in Indonesia. The interests of employers and workers must be harmonized so that a new balance is created. The correlation between workers and employers is like two parties who need each other but different aspirations, added Moeldoko.

Furthermore, the mass workers’ organizations support the government’s steps in developing the Omnibus Law Task Force by also involving the workers in it. With the involvement of workers in the discussion of the Omnibus Law which is now being worked on, the aspirations of workers can be accommodated properly.

The Secretary General of the KSPSI Arnod Sihite said that he appreciated the steps taken by the Coordinating Minister for the Economy, who had compiled the Omnibus Law Task Force, and of course the workers hoped to continue to be involved in it because it was workers who had direct interests with the Omnibus Law, not only employers and the government.

According to Arnod, workers in the archipelago must be invited to sit together so that their aspirations are also accommodated in this legal breakthrough. The reason is, like it or not, workers are the parties who will be directly affected by the Omnibus Law policy

He believes that labor organizations will make clear and accurate contributions related to the current labor conditions in Indonesia. He hoped that workers would be able to synergize with the government in discussing the Omnibus Law and could be involved in a task force created by the Ministry of Economy.

In this regard, the government appointed at least 127 members of the Joint Task Force of the Government and the Chamber of Commerce to conduct public consultations on Omnibus Law consisting of representatives of relevant ministries or institutions, businessmen, regional heads, academics, and also community leaders.

A copy of the Decree of the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Number 378 of 2019 quoted in Jakarta stated that the Task Force was chaired by the Chairperson of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and directed by the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs.

The Task Force’s tasks include carrying out public consultations on Omnibus Law Job Creation and taxation, conducting an inventory of problems, and providing input in efforts to improve regulations on the results of public consultations.

Support from the workers is indeed very much needed. In view of all the steps the government is making for the welfare of Indonesian citizens as a whole and in balance. Avoiding the confusion of the news by continuing to consult with the government is also considered important. The reason is that the Omnibus Law Act is not a careless design that takes a day to become. But it requires identification of which laws or regulations are problematic. Which in the future still aims for mutual benefit. So the demonstration should not have happened. Moreover, Indonesia has a complete institution to accommodate all complaints and aspirations. If it’s just a demo, everyone can too. The point is, let’s support the omnibus law scheme because it will help overcome the nation’s problems.

)* The author is a social political observer

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