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Support Extended Quarantine Period to Prevent Omicron


By: Savira Ayu)*

The public supports the extension of the quarantine period to 10 days. This extension was taken in order to anticipate the spread of the Omicron variant in Indonesia.

During the pandemic we are advised to minimize going out of the house, but there are several types of work that require someone to travel, including abroad. Inevitably he had to get on a plane and adhere to strict health protocols so as not to contract Corona. Rules must be enforced because the threat is human life.

When a person finishes his goodwill abroad, the government requires him to be quarantined (at a hotel or athlete’s house) and cannot be self-quarantined. With the reason that the quarantine at the hotel will be more stringent and make it easier for coordination and health checks. In the past, the quarantine rule was only 3-5 days, now it has been extended to 10 days.

Why should there be an extension of the quarantine period? The reason is because the characteristics of the Omicron variant are different from other Corona variants. According to epidemic experts, Corona Omicron can spread 3 times faster. If someone gets this type of Corona, it will be dangerous because it can cause mass illness. Even though the situation is improving because the number of covid patients is only 170 per day and it should not increase because of Omicron.

Epidemiologist from Gadjah Mada University (UGM) Bayu Satria stated that the extension of the quarantine period was very appropriate to prevent transmission of Omicron. In addition, the screening test is carried out 2 times, namely when you just enter the quarantine place and when you are about to leave, so it will be more effective. Security will also be tightened so that no Indonesian citizens or foreigners secretly escape through the back door.

Security at quarantine places, both at the athletes’ homestay and hotels, must indeed be tightened because a while ago there was a program that bribed individuals and he was only quarantined for a few days (less than 10 days). Don’t let this incident happen again because it could even inspire others. So pathetic.

Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin stated that the quarantine tightening was carried out to protect the 270 million Indonesians. In a sense, don’t let them get infected because those who run out from abroad then wander around and don’t want to be quarantined. The consequences will be very fatal because currently there are more than 100 cases of Omicron in Indonesia and there should be no more.

If there was an increase in Corona cases because many were undisciplined in quarantine after traveling from abroad, it would be very scary. In addition to increasing the number of covid patients in Indonesia, it can shake the economy, because people’s purchasing power can decrease again (because they focus on Corona treatment).

The government also urges Indonesian citizens not to travel abroad for the time being. The reason is because many of them turn out to be traveling only for vacations, not for urgent work. How sad when in a pandemic period that should be passed with concern and tepo seliro but instead have fun abroad.

If there are people who protest why quarantine in hotels costs tens of millions of rupiah, then they can choose the option to quarantine at the athlete’s house. The facilities are different but this is a risk of a trip. Whose fault is it for traveling to another country while it’s still a pandemic?

The extension of the quarantine period is strongly supported by the community because the reason is to prevent the spread of Corona Omicron. The reason is, not only those who have traveled from South Africa and its surroundings, but also Turkey and other countries, who have brought Corona Omicron with them. We must prevent the spread of transmission of this variant in Indonesia.

)* The author is a contributor to the Press Circle and Cikini Students

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