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Supporting Simplification of Regulations Realizing Professional Bureaucracy


By: Almira Fadhilla )*

Government affairs, bureaucracy that is too protracted, not only makes policies or administrative affairs run slowly, but can also end in failure. One solution is to simplify regulations to accelerate the licensing process.

Through the Jokowi Government Volume II, the government has simplified the bureaucracy as a priority program. President Joko Widodo is also determined to continue to simplify the bureaucracy on a large scale. He revealed that investment in job creation must be prioritized, so long procedures must be cut. In addition, he also requested that echelonization be simplified to only 2 levels, replaced by functional positions that value expertise and value competence.

Simplification of the bureaucracy aims to create a dynamic, agile (professional) bureaucracy in an effort to increase effectiveness and efficiency in order to support government performance to the public. President Joko Widodo firmly called on ministers, officials and bureaucrats to seriously guarantee the achievement of development program objectives. If anything is found that is not serious, the President will stop the person concerned from his position.

To accelerate bureaucratic simplification, the Ministry of Administrative Reform and Bureaucracy Reform (PANRB) has moved quickly by encouraging all leaders of government agencies to implement strategic and concrete steps.

There are at least nine steps that must be taken immediately before December 2019. These steps are contained in the Circular Letter (SE) of the PANRB Minister number 384, 390, and 391 of 2019 addressed to the Indonesian Cabinet Minister Going forward, the Governor, and the Mayors and Regents about Strategic and Concrete Steps in Simplifying Bureaucracy.

The nine strategic steps will begin with the identification of echelon III, IV, and V work units that can be simplified and transferred to structural positions according to position maps in each agency. Then, mapping the position of the work units affected by the transition, as well as identifying the equality of structural positions with functional positions to be occupied. Furthermore, the budget needs are aligned with regard to the amount of income in the position affected by the simplification of bureaucratic policies. Then the leaders of agencies must carry out socialization and provide understanding to all employees in their respective institutions relating to the simplification of bureaucratic policies to create good synergy.

The process of transforming structural to functional positions based on the results of the mapping will be carried out no later than the fourth week of June 2020. PAN-RB Minister Tjahjo Kumolo hopes that every agency leader will carry out all the processes listed in the SE in a professional manner, free from KKN practices, avoiding conflicts of interest by continuing to apply the precautionary principle, and in line with good governance, and based on the provisions of the legislation.

Let’s work together to support and oversee the process of simplification of the bureaucracy. Hopefully the simplification of the bureaucracy can run well and smoothly, thereby increasing investment, opening up more jobs, increasing income, and accelerating economic growth. Superior Indonesia. Advanced Indonesia.

)* The author is (Postgraduate Student of Gunadarma University)

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