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Synergy Against Terrorism Approaching the End of the Year


By: Alif Fikri )*

Towards the end of the year, people should be more vigilant because there is potential for crime, including terrorism, as happened in Bandung. The public is also asked to remain calm and united in fighting radicalism and terrorism.

The people of Bandung were shocked because there was a bombing at the Astana Anyar Police Headquarters, December 7, 2022. Moreover, the attack was carried out at the police station and there were fatalities and injuries, and the outside of the building was destroyed. It is not yet certain which radical group carried out the bombing.

Kapolrestabes Bandung Kombes Aswin Sipayung stated that the explosion occurred at 8:20 WIB in the morning, when members of the Polsek were holding a morning rally. A man entered the Police Headquarters, brandishing a sharp weapon and breaking through the morning rally. Instantly members (police) dodged then there was an explosion. There was 1 victim (perpetrator) and 3 police officers who were injured.

Kombes Aswin continued, after the bombing, the gate of the Police Headquarters was destroyed. Likewise with the main building outside the Police Headquarters and the entire outside of the office space.

People are asked to be vigilant after the bombing. The authorities are trying hard to find out which radical and terrorist groups were the perpetrators of the attack. In December it is a bit risky because there are other people’s celebrations and there needs to be prevention so that houses of worship and public facilities are not attacked by terrorist groups.

The bombing incident certainly shook the soul and the people hoped that there would be no more attacks. They are also expected to remain united against terrorism and radicalism. Don’t be the other way around, supporting terrorist groups and commenting negatively about cyber bombings.

The community is also asked to work together in fighting radicalism. The reason is because radical groups still exist in Indonesia. Don’t let radical and terrorist groups divide people’s unity and carry out  psy wars , both in the real world and in cyberspace.

Ahead of Christmas, the police usually carry out operations to secure traffic. The public is asked to support the police by maintaining conduciveness, both in the real world and in cyberspace. Do not insult people who are worshiping and instead support terrorist groups, because it is the same as spreading the seeds of terrorism.

When there are people who will commemorate a holiday, it is necessary to be tolerant and let people with that belief be happy, especially only once a year. You don’t need to get hot and angry, let alone sweeping pictures of Santa Claus. Radical groups will be happier when someone acts recklessly like that, because they are supporting radicalism and practicing intolerance.

Vice President KH Ma’ruf Amin stated that inter-religious harmony must be built because it will create national harmony. With this harmony, it will support Indonesia’s aspirations to become an advanced and prosperous nation. 

In a sense, society must be harmonious and peaceful, both at the end of the year and in other months. Do not fight because it will be used by radical groups. Do not even support terrorist groups because they are criminals who want to destroy Indonesia.

Support for terrorist and radical groups usually comes from a few members of society who are disillusioned with several government policies. They finally justified the bombings late in the year and blamed the government. Even though it was clear that the attacker was wrong because he had evil intentions and damaged inter-religious harmony.

Don’t let anyone think negatively like that because it will break the unity among the people. The effects of radicalism and terrorism are very dangerous and can damage one’s brain and destroy one’s future. From former members of radical groups, they admit that they were brainwashed and instilled with radicalism so they don’t think about ideals, but instead want to become bride bombs and die horribly.

Society must unite in fighting terrorism and supporters of radical groups, especially at the end of the year. One way is by pressing the report button on social media, when there are netizens who openly support radicalism and terrorism. Or if someone even praises the perpetrators of the bombing. With reporting, it will be followed up by the social media manager.

Then, the public can also report to the authorities or cyber police, if there are indications of attacks being carried out by radical and terrorist groups. With reporting there will be prevention so that there are no further attacks. Especially at the end of the year when there are commemorations of public holidays and are prone to potential attacks and bombings.

Synergy in fighting terrorism and radicalism must be carried out, especially towards the end of the year. Do not let there be divisions between people due to the actions of terrorist groups. When there is a bombing, people are asked to remain calm. Don’t even support terrorist groups because it’s the same as allowing crime in this country.

)* The author is a contributor to the Nusa Bangsa Institute 

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