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The Community Appreciates Social Assistance for People Affected by Covid-19


By: Edi Jatmiko ) *

The government continues to anticipate socio-economic problems as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic . One such effort is the distribution Bansos for residents affected Covid-19 were much appreciated by the public.

We certainly agree that 2020 is a very difficult year for people in the world, including Indonesia. The increase in the positive confirmed number of Covid-19 disrupted many sectors, especially health and the economy.

Aware of the domino effect of the spread of the coronavirus, the Indonesian government does not hesitate to disburse funds to help the community and turn the wheels of the economy in Indonesia again.

              The following is real assistance from the government to residents affected by Covid-19.

Pre-Employment Card

This program was originally a job development and entrepreneurship aimed at job seekers and laborers, those who want to gain and improve competence.

              However, since Covid-19, Pre-Work Cards have also been given to workers who have been dismissed at work because their workplaces were not operating during the pandemic.

              The amount received by the pre-work card is IDR 3.4 million with a provision of IDR 1 million for the training balance. The remaining Rp 2.4 million was given as an incentive after completing the training. The incentive fund given every month is IDR 600,000 for 4 months.

              This program is also planned to be extended until the year 20 21, so that people who have not passed the 2020 Pre-employment card program can re-register themselves.

              This program is for Indonesian citizens aged 18 years and over and not currently studying or studying.

Wage Subsidy Assistance (BSU)

              BSU itself is the government’s effort to accelerate the recovery of the national economy affected by Covid-19. Those who are entitled to get it are workers / laborers who have been registered with BPJS Ketenagakerjaan and have an income of less than IDR 5 million per month.

              The amount received was IDR 2.4 million. Direct distribution is given to the beneficiary’s account on the condition that Rp. 1.2 million per month or Rp. 600,000 per month.

              To be able to receive this assistance, of course there are several conditions, such as having an active bank account, and not being an employee of a BUMN or civil servant.

Presidential Productive Assistance (Banpres) for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)

              Banpres UKM is also known as BLT UMKM, this social assistance is a strategy from the government to provide stimulus to MSMEs so that they can survive in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic.

              The amount given by the government is Rp. 2.4 million, this assistance is intended for people who have businesses and are registered with Cooperatives and UK M, Legal Cooperatives or Banking.

Cash Social Assistance (BST)

              This assistance is assistance in the form of money provided to poor, underprivileged and / or vulnerable families affected by Covid-19.

              Initially, the amount received was Rp. 600,000 which was received every month. However, along with the amount of other assistance, now the amount of assistance is Rp. 300,000.

              This assistance will also be extended until 2021, this assistance will be given to beneficiary families of PKH (the family hope program) who have not received other social assistance .

Free Quota

              Apart from the economic sector, the education sector was also affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. Education Minister Nadiem Makarim has ordered all schools and campuses to organize education online.

              Of course, this does not mean that it runs smoothly, because there are additional costs for the less fortunate, one of which is to buy internet quota.

              Some parents, especially those who are less fortunate, are of course quite burdened by the existence of distance learning (PJJ), so that the government through the Ministry of Education and Culture provides internet quota assistance of 20GB – 30GB, which is given to students, students, teachers and lecturers.

Smart Indonesia Program (PIP) through Smart Indonesia Card (KIP)

              This assistance has actually been going on from several years ago. However, when Covid-19 hit, the government increased the amount of funds received by students to IDR 450,000 to IDR 1 million.

Wage Subsidy Assistance (BSU) for Honorary Teachers

              This assistance is given to Honorary Teachers, it is known that the amount of funds received is IDR 1.8 million with a tax discount of 6%.

              This variety of assistance is of course a stimulus for the people of Indonesia, especially as the economic sector in Indonesia is also affected by the pandemic, so these steps and efforts deserve appreciation.

) * The author is a socio-political observer

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