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The community must be prepared to face the mutation of the corona virus


By: Ridwan Alamsyah) *

Opinion, suaradewata.com – The pandemic is not over but now there is another coronavirus mutation, namely type B117 UK mutation. Already 2 people are infected with the corona virus from England. However, the government asks people not to panic, because transmission can be prevented. They also still have to implement strict health protocols.

In England, there was a scene because of a new corona virus, namely the B117 UK mutation. The discovery of this virus has made citizens of the world even more alert, because if there is a mutation it is usually more dangerous. Many countries refuse the arrival of British citizens or people who have traveled from there, to prevent transmission.

In Indonesia, 2 people have been found infected with the B117 corona virus. In fact, many of the old patients have not yet recovered, and the national vaccination has not yet been completed. But instead it was added to the mutation of the Covid-19 virus. The public is worried about their safety, because they don’t want to be exposed to corona, both the old and new versions.

Doctor Masdalina Pane from the Indonesian Association of Epidemiologists stated that the mutation of the corona virus has not been confirmed to be more dangerous or not. In that sense, the public is asked not to panic, because it is not certain that the B117 corona virus will be more deadly. Even though this virus is more contagious than the old corona, people can still prevent transmission.

Doctor Pane continued, it is not certain that the mutation of the corona virus will dominate, or trigger a spike in new covid-19 cases. Because you have to see from the trend of transmission cases, high or not. In addition, it must be observed that the patient’s condition is causing the severity of the disease. In that sense, patients who have comorbids will drop more easily when they are exposed to the B117 virus.

To prevent transmission, doctor Pane emphasized the importance of strictly adhering to health protocols. Don’t forget to wear a mask, wash your hands diligently, bring a hand sanitizer, and keep your distance. The mask must comply with the standard, namely a 3-layer cloth mask or medical mask. Use a maximum of 4 hours, so when leaving the house, you must bring a spare mask.

Don’t ever forget to wear a mask, because it’s still a pandemic. In fact, there are still many who wear it but it is only draped over the chest, so that it cannot protect the nose and mouth. This violation has caused many people to get corona, because according to WHO research, this virus can be transmitted via the air. Do you want to get a new type of corona? The answer is of course not.

Mobility also needs to be prevented, especially if you live in a red zone. There must be discipline in controlling it. Don’t just go on vacation out of town, with the excuse of being bored at home. If you catch the corona on the way, who is to blame? Because it is better to prevent than to cure. Refrain from traveling, before the pandemic is declared over.

Discipline is very important, because transmission is impossible if everyone follows health protocols in an orderly manner. In addition, family clusters can be prevented with discipline. Don’t just stay there, but instead invite your extended family to social gathering at home. On the show it must be hard to keep your distance because you feel emotionally close.

We don’t know which of them is OTG, and the symptoms of contracting the corona in the early stages are not very visible. Therefore, do not receive guests just yet, unless absolutely essential. When there are guests, keep wearing masks, provide handsanitizers, and adjust the distance of the chairs so they don’t stick together. We do not want to be infected with the B117 virus and must avoid spreading it with discipline.

Prevention of transmission of new types of corona must be done by the community, because they do not know when the pandemic will end. But they don’t have to panic until they are paranoid, because the B117 virus can be prevented by disciplined health protocols. Better to prevent than cure.

) * The author is a citizen living in Bogor

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