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The Community Supports Jokowi – Ma’ruf’s Government for the Next 5 Years


By: Stella P) *

The inauguration procession is over, now is the time to arrange the steps to develop the Nusantara for the next 5 years. The community is confident in providing support regarding the Jokowi – MA program for Indonesia to be more advanced. The essence of the Inauguration itself is actually ratifying something that has been chosen based on a decision according to applicable laws and regulations. Moreover, this procession marked the start of the performance of the Jokowi-Ma’ruf government in the next five years.

The latest government program by Jokowi-Ma’ruf which is predicted will make Indonesia stronger after this state agenda is declared. In his first state address as head of state, at least Jokowi stated 5 things that would be the focus of targets and priorities of the government.

The first point is related to the development of the quality of Indonesian human resources. He explained that building this HR was considered very crucial. In order to master knowledge, skills, one of them is by collaborating with global talents to work together. Even with the need for an “endowment Fund” which is considered to be large enough to implement ways to improve our human resources.
The second priority, is Jokowi, expressed his certainty in continuing infrastructure development. Which is located in the production area with a distribution area that will facilitate access to the tourism area. Which will also be able to add new jobs, also accelerate the tilapia plus for the people’s economy.
Third Point, Government promises regarding regulatory constraints will be simplified. Jokowi claimed to have had a way to cut barriers which had been the main problem.
Fourth, Jokowi will carry out massive bureaucratic reform. Including Investment as the basis for creating the field, he stated firmly that this would continue to be his priority.
Fifth, namely relating to economic transformation. Jokowi admitted that he no longer wanted Indonesia to continue to depend on natural resources. Mother Earth needs to boost competitiveness, especially in the manufacturing sector and services.

Community support for the Jokowi government program came from the Focal Silatnas IMM (National Gathering of the Muhammadiyah Student Association Alumni Family Forum. It was held in Kuningan, Jakarta. During the event, a number of records were reported. One of them was full support of the new Jokowo-Ma government “Ruf. The implication is to realize a more developed Indonesia.
Ton Abdillah Has as the Chairperson of the IMM Focal Silatnas stated that the final outcome of the meeting was to fully support the Joko Widodo’s government’s efforts to carry out the vision and mission to make the archipelago more advanced. However, he also warned that the process of advancing Indonesia was not an easy matter. Considering that in the course there will be many interventions and challenges in the next 5 years.

These challenges are broken down into three, one of which is, Realizing a developed country must have a high trust society that is full of tolerance. Bearing in mind, now the community is being hit by a strong structural society, namely distrust of the government and elements of society. In addition, the strength of the Oligarchy and the Indonesian Economic system. He said he considered that Indonesia must be able to create inclusive economic development. As a condition of developed countries that have economic power and democratic order.

IMM alumni also did not forget to ask the government of Joko Widodo and Ma’ruf Amin to draw up a clear road map and action plan. The link in realizing Indonesia’s vision is more advanced. Even with a variety of “weapons” in anticipation of various interventions and challenges that are ready to come. He also revealed that in the 2019 Silatnas Results formulation, IMM Alumni will focus on performance in the field of superior HR development. And encourage the public to participate. Namely, together becomes the core in realizing a more developed Indonesia.

In accordance with the people’s mandate for the inauguration, which was held on October 20 yesterday. Now, we can begin to provide a variety of full support for President Jokowi and his Deputy Ma’ruf Amin, in relation to implementing government programs. And sure if Jokowi will be able to bring Indonesia stronger, stronger and respected in the eyes of the world. In addition, strengthening unity and unity is equally crucial, in relation to jointly maintaining conduciveness, the creation of a sense of security, comfort and control. So that all people will step even more calmly.

) * The author is a social political observer

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