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The Government Firmly Delayed the HIP Bill


By: Alfisyah Kumalasari )*

The Pancasila Ideology Bow draft laws made many people angry because this bill wanted to turn Pancasila into a trisila and ekasila. The government has firmly said that this bill was postponed and returned to the DPR for evaluation. Because it is still focused on handling Covid-19 in Indonesia.

Vice President KH Ma’ruf Amin said the draft ideology of the Pancasila bow is postponed. At present, the position of the bill is returned to the DPR as a proposer. If there is a protest why the proposal was not revoked by the president, then they must know that the right one is the DPR. In accordance with constitutional law.

Menkopolhukam Mahfud MD also emphasized that the postponement of the HIP bill was because the government was still focused on how to deal with Covid-19 in Indonesia. It is very unethical when a bill is upgraded to become a law, even though we are still in a pandemic. The DPR must also absorb the aspirations of the people to perfect the bill.

Mahfud MD also ensured that the Pancasila ideology bowing bill would not turn Pancasila into a trisila and ekasila. He also stressed that the government would continue to reject it, when the DPR faction insisted on changing the contents of the Pancasila. Because Pancasila is the source of all sources of law in Indonesia.

The public is expected not to be afraid of the word ‘postpone’, because this bill is not necessarily approved after the Covid-19 pandemic ends. One reason for the postponement of the inauguration of the HIP Bill was because it did not include the MPRS TAP on the prohibition of communism in Indonesia. So when this bill has been evaluated but the contents are still similar, it will still be rejected.

When evaluated by members of the DPR faction, there is a leak that the controversial article will be changed. The first precept ‘almighty divinity’ does not become replaced by ‘cultured divinity. The plan, this bill will also include TAP MPRS number XXV / MPRS / 1966 concerning the prohibition of communism, marxism, and leninism in Indonesia.

The President also emphasized that he had never issued a presidential decree to approve the HIP Bill being formalized into law. So the community does not have to bother to resist the heat when demonstrating in front of the MPR building. Moreover, the action is dangerous because it ignores the rules of physical distancing, even though they already wear masks.

Many religious leaders agreed with the government’s move in rejecting the proposed draft of the Pancasila ideology bow. The central board of PP Muhammadiyah and Nahdatul Ulama also audited and participated in appreciating the steps of President Joko Widodo. They praised his attitude to reject the growth of communism in Indonesia.

Statements from president Joko Widodo, vice president KH Ma’ruf Amin, and minister Mahfud MD, of course, can be held and used as collateral. Don’t boast that the current government is pro-communism, because in reality the HIP Bill has been postponed. Postponed means it is not approved, so people must believe in the steps taken by the government.

Do not easily believe when there is news narrating that the current government is pro-communism and wants to change the content of Pancasila. There are currently too many hoaxes on the internet. So investigate the truth first. Moreover, as good Indonesian citizens, we certainly have to trust all the decisions of President Joko Widodo.

Wspadalah will be provocation from the opposition which always corners the government. Moreover, participating in spreading hoax news and cursing the president in cyberspace, because they are considered to approve the HIP bill and a pro-communism person. You certainly do not want to be exposed to articles of the ITE law and subject to punishment, do you?

Trust the government’s statement that the HIP Bill will not be approved, as long as it still wants to change Pancasila and does not include the MPRS TAP on the ban on communism. The President certainly thinks about the future of Indonesia and is still focused on handling Covid-19. So do not be afraid of the inauguration of the HIP Bill.

)* Active writer in the Press Circle and Cikini Students

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