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The Government Has Resolved Hunger Cases Through Social Aid


By: Rahmat Sholeh )*

It is undeniable, if kept in the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic. Not only Indonesia, many other countries have fixed it. In this case the government made a renewal program, such as Bansos to lend.

The government distributed 200 thousand food packages and membership of the Prakerja Card some time ago. This effort was made to prevent economic changes from the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia.

President Joko Widodo will divide the distribution of food packages and the Work Card will be done by the Minister of Social Affairs Juliari P. Batubara. This distribution is in accordance with the additional budget provisions for each program.

Around 5.6 million people affected by the Employment Election (PHK) will get a Pre-Employment Card and informal workers who earn more than the Covid-19 pandemic.

The government also provides social funds to 3.7 million families of which 1.1 million are borne by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government. In implementing this program, the government tries to implement it quickly and on target. By involving RT, RW, village and local government so that the implementation of the program is truly effective.

In the social loan program the government has allocated funds of Rp110 trillion. These funds will go down through other programs, such as the Basic Needs Card Program worth Rp20 trillion and Rp200,000 given to each participant for nine months.

In addition, the Family Hope Program (PKH) for 10 million families will be purchased 25 percent. The free electricity program is also given to 24 million 450 VA users and 50 percent discount for 7 million 900 VA subsidized users.

Intensive housing is also carried out for low-income people reaching 175 thousand homes. The overall program is expected to alleviate the economic burden on the community amid the Covid-19 pandemic.

But some time ago, something happened because it was accepted in Serang, Banten. A freelance worker, Yuli who lost a daily money of Rp.25 thousand died after only drinking white for two days.

Even though the Serang City Government of Banten has requested assistance, it has been sent. The government has also stressed that it will carry out this distribution program effectively and on target.

Discovering this phenomenon, the Chairman of the Depok City People’s Welfare Council (DKR), Roy Pangharapan, will immediately distribute the aid to the poor and vulnerable people because it is very serious.

Depok City Government has disbursed 100 percent of the total budget of Rp7.5 billion from the Depok city budget for the Bansos fund. Meanwhile, the West Jakarta Provincial Government has also provided assistance to 1000 beneficiary family heads (KK / KPM).

In each KK / KPM received assistance of Rp500 thousand from the West Java Province APBD. Rp150 thousand in cash and the remaining basic needs and daily necessities.

In a state of epidemics like this, it is the state that survives. However, many community organizations also took social action. In addition, some political parties also contribute to providing social assistance to those in need.

In this case, between the government and the well-to-do community who were not severely affected by the Covid-19 pandemic to work hand in hand to help other communities increase their difficulties. Like Yuli’s problem, aren’t there any neighbors or relatives who have thanks and pity? As a lesson, let’s share with others and not be selfish. Hopefully Covid-19 will resume soon and the economy will recover.

)* Active writer in the Jakarta Library Institute

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