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The high number of Stanting in Gunung Mas regency


By: Choirul Fuadi)*

CIDISS – The number of stanting or short-bodied children in Gunung Mas District (Gumas) is quite high. From data of Health Department (Health Office) of Central Kalimantan Province conducted by student enumilator Poltekes of Nutrition Study Program on villages and sub-districts in 12 sub districts in Gumas in 2016, there are 34.5 percent of children in Gumas is short-bodied or stanting.

Head of Dinkes Gumas, Maria Efianti said stanting or short-bodied included in the national problem. “The problem is not only Gumas faced. For the prevention itself is not only done Dinkes, but the Unit of Regional Device Organization (SOPD), “said Maria.

Maria mentioned other related agencies to this case are the Office of Population Control and Family Planning, Department of Agriculture and Food Security, Education Office and other Office. “The bottom line is all interrelated, we must together provide the best service in order the problem can be solved,” he explained.

Maria added the high of short-bodied children in Gumas due to chronic malnutrition. He said, it is caused by many factors. Like the low education of mothers who gave birth to stanting children, marriage of child age and other factors that make the child has He mentioned, other related agencies in this case the Office of Population Control and Family Planning, Department of Agriculture and Food Security, Education Office and other Office. “The bottom line is all interrelated, we must together provide the best service so that this problem can be solved,” maria explained.

“If a mother is married who in early age (child) with low education, how can she have knowledge about adequate nutrition when the child is in the womb and when the child is born,” maria explained.

Furthermore, short-bodied children can be prevented by a mother who provides 15 percent protein consumption of total calorie intake to children. “If it continues to do, it can make children have a good height than children who only get 7.5 percent of the total protein intake of calories,”

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