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The Importance of Knitting Unity Post-Election


By: Muhammad Ikbal )*

How important is unity? Of course this is rarely asked, but it turns out indirectly, a sense of unity is very necessary, this is because humans are social beings who cannot live alone.

In a soccer team, of course not all players cluster into a striker or attacker, of the 11 players who play, of course the players have their respective roles, some are goalkeepers, defenders, midfielders and attackers, although they have different tasks, but all have a goal, namely the victory of a match.

Of course you can imagine, what if all the players in a match feel they don’t need a goalkeeper, so the chances of conceding will be a threat in their matches.

Well, nowadays, many don’t realize, that unity is something expensive, even just different jersey uniforms of proud teams, can make someone hostile.

In the 2019 Election, the Indonesian people again elected the President and Vice President, although the KPU had officially announced, there were still a number of mobs who disagreed with the election results, until finally the demonstrations added to the list of riots in Indonesia.

The election which took place on April 17 has succeeded in polarizing the community into two camps. The difference is indeed a necessity in Indonesia, but all the utterances of hatred and slander also never subside even though the voting day has finished.

Unity is a manifestation of mutual respect for others who may have differences, but like the story of the football team above, that the form of unity is not by putting all strikers in competition, because every member of the soccer team has their respective duties in guarding the competition.

If the unity of a team is broken, then there is a gap for the opponent to break into the net, so defeat is very possible.

Democracy in Indonesia is not 5 years old, but for decades, democracy has become a system agreed upon by various groups. So that it can be said that Indonesia has been a senior in maintaining the nation’s democracy.

Certainly reasonable differences occur, even the tastes of the football team can be different, let alone differences in political views. But the difference should not be a gap. Differences must be addressed with tolerance to not feel mutually superior.

Unity is maintained will certainly foster harmony in life and peace in society, if unity can be maintained well, it is not impossible that accelerated development is realized for a better future of Indonesia.

Certainly, we will feel uncomfortable learning something, with someone who has no tolerance for differences.

Politics and democracy are certainly important to bring this nation apart from the bondage of fatigue, despair and anger that trigger conflict and violence. The security paradigm must also be changed by abandoning violence. Increasing the political security of this nation, namely the political elites need to abandon their political egos, sincerely agree to maintain peace.

In democracy, of course, the right attitude must also be installed when it really does not get the desired results, it is enough for us to berate each other, be exposed to hoaxes, especially to utter profanity on behalf of religion. Because in fact this does not give any benefit to this nation at all.

In East Kalimantan, Deputy Governor Hadi Mulyadi invited the community to reunite after the 2019 Election contest. He hoped Ramadhan would be a wonderful momentum to re-establish unity and unity.

“Of course there are many differences in principles during the democratic process. That’s normal. However, we continue to maintain the Islamic community of the people of East Kalimantan who have been well maintained, “said Hadi.”

In building this nation, we certainly need a sense of unity because we cannot work alone, we also need the help of others for the needs of our lives.

If national unity begins to break down, the apathy towards the nation will roll over like a snowball.

It is time, the polarization that occurs must be merged in an event entitled reconciliation, where both parties meet together to solve all the problems that occur.

)* The author is a social media activist

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