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The Job Creation Law Benefits Workers


By: Raavi Ramadhan) *

The Job Creation Law has been enacted by the government and soon its derivative regulations will also be launched. The elements could no longer protest or threaten to protest. Because this law has been discussed with workers and has reached an agreement, before it was promulgated. The Job Creation Law is designed to benefit not only employers, but also workers. Workers will receive an annual bonus, overtime pay, and even when they are sent home they still receive severance pay and guaranteed job losses. The government tries to be fair by making laws that are friendly to workers. When the Job Creation Law has been passed, the derivative regulations will also be formalized. There are 44 derivative rules in the form of presidential regulations and government regulations. The articles will regulate in more detail the application of the Job Creation Law in the field, including in the labor sector. Workers do not have to fear that the derivative rule will harm them. Moreover, the manufacturing process also involves the community and workers’ representatives. The Minister of Manpower Ida Fauziyah emphasized that the Employment Cluster Work Creation Law was discussed with the Tripartite LKS. Namely from the government, employers, and labor unions. When it has been discussed together with representatives from the labor union, they are declared to agree with the contents of the Job Creation Law and its derivative regulations. Because they are enough to be the mouthpiece of the workers. It is impossible for the government to communicate with many workers one by one, because there are millions of people. Ida continued, the draft regulations for derivative labor clusters were also discussed and approved by labor unions, employers and the government. In the sense that workers no longer have to protest, even hold demonstrations against the Job Creation Law. When later the derivative regulations of the law are passed by the government. After all, demonstrations during a pandemic are very dangerous. The protesters conveyed their aspirations regarding the Job Creation Law and its derivative regulations, but unfortunately they did not get enough public sympathy, because it endangered many people. The reason is, they can cause a new corona cluster, because they cannot maintain a distance of 2 meters when demonstrating. Ida continued, the discussion of PP and Perpres is almost final. The draft derivative regulation has been submitted to the Coordinating Ministry for the Economy and uploaded to the official website of the Job Creation Law. Also harmonized together with related ministries and institutions. Certainly in a few days, this derivative rule will be passed. If it is in the final stage, it will be very useless when the workers plan to take to the streets again. Like it or not, this derivative rule will be passed. There is already a schedule that must be adhered to, because when the derivative rules are passed, the implementation of the Job Creation Law must be enforced 100%. So that it will overhaul the bureaucracy in Indonesia and benefit the workers. Ratification of the derivative regulations of the Job Creation Law does not mean that the government is authoritarian. Because if you look far back, the drafting of the Job Creation Law and its derivative regulations always involved the community and workers. Their voices are still being heard. The proof is that there is a special website that contains 75% of the contents of the derivative regulations of the Job Creation Law and the public can provide input. It is this interaction via the official website which indicates that the government is truly implementing the principles of democracy. Because the opinions of the people, including the workers, are always appreciated. The government does not take justice into its own hands and enact laws that are not pro-people. In fact, the Job Creation Law and its derivative regulations were made for the people. The Job Creation Law and its derivative regulations will have a good impact on workers. Because their standard salary is easy to calculate, and workers who have become old employees are paid a nominal amount above the UMP. Workers do not have to worry, because it is their fate that will be saved by the Job Creation Law and its derivative regulations. ) * The author is a contributor to the Cikini Press Circle and Students

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