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The Press and Young Generation Spearheads Realize Conduciveity in Society


By: Putri Damayanti )*

Various matters relating to change and development, are always associated with the role of youth, if we look at history, in various parts of the world social and political change puts youth at the forefront. Its role is comprehensive, not only being like a spring, but also upstream, downstream to the estuary. Even youth as water or energy sources change.

Even the first President of the Republic of Indonesia, Ir. Soekarno, once said in his state address in his heyday, “Give me 10 youths, I will shake the world”. The meaning of the sentence is a form of portrayal that youth is a superior figure, choice, passionate, bubbling and tempestuous physically, psychologically, intellectually and most importantly his attitude.

Youth also has a very strategic role in the history of the struggle of the Indonesian nation, it can even be said that youth are the spearhead of the integrity of the struggle against colonialism. This role is also still held by Indonesian youth up to now, apart from being an Independent controller of all policies made by the government.

With creative and innovative thinking, youth can become pioneers in various matters, such as entrepreneurship and various other sectors.

We hope that the future youth movement will be a professional movement based on faith and devotion in the sense of avoiding all forms that are prohibited by religion and the rules that apply in Indonesia.

While the Press also has a strategic role in social life, History notes that the press in Indonesia (journalists) is a patriot of the nation along with the pioneers of movements in various parts of the country who are struggling to eradicate colonialism.

During the movement, journalists even assumed two roles at the same time, as press activists who carried out the tasks of reporting and information to raise national awareness and as political activists who involved themselves directly in activities to build popular resistance against colonialism.

Both of these roles have the sole purpose of realizing the independence of the nation and state of Indonesia. After the Proclamation of Indonesian Independence on August 17, 1945.

But nowadays almost anyone can make news on their social media accounts, over time, the dissemination of information is not only the duty of a journalist through the mass media. Because along with the times, anyone who can convey information through the device.

If the information has a negative impact, such as a hoax or incitement, the impact is not only individual, because the dissemination of social media content is not appropriate, it can also affect the stability of national and state security.

Not a few cases of defamation, or incitement that ultimately lead to acts of anarchism. That is because the content packaging does not think about journalistic ethics.

The press has the duty to package information that is considered to have a professional moral and ethical foundation. All of this aims as a guide, so that it can continue to maintain and gain public trust.

Of course the press has a strategic role in presenting accurate questions and not having bad intentions, so it does not only provide sensational packaging.

We certainly know that video clips alone can lead to various perceptions. If based on bad faith, this can be detrimental to all parties. There is a suggestion that “do not bring the problem of water to the mainland” because not everyone can examine and see the problem correctly, especially if the person does not have good intentions to seek the truth of information.

The press has a code of ethics that makes a journalist / journalist maintain his professionalism while working, this is certainly not owned by social media actors.

Therefore, the mass media remains the spearhead of the dissemination of accurate and trustworthy information.

Young people and the Press are certainly two things that cannot be released in this fast-paced information age, both of which are interrelated in realizing a sense of unity in Indonesia.

Young people have the ability to use information technology, while the press has the ability to package information, both of which must synergize well with those who want to divide Indonesia or those who like to provoke.

)* The author is a contributor of the Jakarta Student Fund Press Institute

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