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The Professionalism Performance by President Jokowi Overshadowed


By: Moch. Irfandi *)

All opinions and feedbacks have been heard carefully, until ultimately Ahok must accept his new status as a suspect in the case of defamation of religion does. So if it is associated with the action 411, will be whether there are further actions by Islamist organizations for law enforcement against Ahok?

Ahok declared as a suspect under “Pasal 156a” on “Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana” juncto “Pasal 28 ayat 2 Undang-Undang Nomor 11 Tahun 2008” about Information and Electronic Transactions in Indonesia.

Prior to the verdict to Ahok, what should we appreciated was the direction of the President, Joko Widodo to the police to conduct his case in an open and transparent. Jokowi said, I ask to police, this case must be open so that no suspicions. Even if Jokowi hope that his case was broadcast live through the media, Jokowi asked that Tito, The Chief of Indonesia Police to see the rule of law and the law that regulates it. “I have ordered the police chief that the investigation is open. But we also have to see whether there is rule of law or laws that allow or not,” said Jokowi.

Observing these referrals, the professionalism of the performance of President Jokowi needs to be appreciated. He did independently ordered Tito Karnavian to process Ahok legally valid and firmly and transparently assessed.

Back to the verdict handed down to Ahok, although new Ahok named as a suspect and they need to be held advanced stage of legal investigation. But little things can dampen public anger that previously was less satisfied with the legal process Ahok rated slow. Of course, this verdict is a testament to the Professionalism performance of President Jokowi who did not intervene in the law in this country.

Therefore, if the current Ahok has been named as a suspect and later still There Demo Susulan, then demo it will be a big question mark for all Indonesian citizens. We already know that the performance results Jokowi that reflect their professionalism and compliance with the law in this country, it turns out the future is still no action is demanded Ahok to be punished according to the rule of law and the action likely to lead to anarchy as events 411, then we as citizens should be aware of the interests of certain parties who want the situation in Indonesia is not safe. The party is our common enemy, and we must unite to preserve the integrity and security of the Republic of Indonesia.

*) Indonesia’s Political Economy Observer

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