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The Soul of State Against Not Functioning Information


By: Putri Merani

Indonesian independence titled with the spirit of the struggle of the heroes who never tired of fighting for this country. For more than 74 years the nation and state have developed competencies in exploring diversity, but there are still many conflicts whose truth is not necessarily spread in various social media. Various information does not demand the possibility of its truth. Even from humors, provocations and propaganda various irresponsible groups have filled the nation’s conflict which is increasingly becoming. As if the leader of the country was stranded in the shade of the life of the division of beliefs from various groups into the scourge of the destruction of national diversity. From various trusted sources it is no longer possible to be true because of the many citizens who continue to provoke hoax news in the form of pictures and writings so that readers who do not know as if to believe the news.

Indonesia is in a hot era, due to the rise of globalization era which is increasingly turbulent in the field of technology. Hoax news is unstoppable with the help of communication tools to accelerate and expand its distribution so that it does not take long, smartphone users who are less educated or more unable to control the usefulness of technology will be infected about the spread of hoax news, even just minutes hundreds or even thousands people have read hoax news. Starting from this the nation’s leadership is looking for ways to eradicate this conflict for the next 5 years, Father. Ir. H. Joko Widodo, as president of the Republic of Indonesia will continue to work hard in dealing with this serious conflict that is taking a lot of victims of fraud. There are a number of possibilities that can alleviate and even alleviate it from various ways that have been expanded to form national unity.

In my opinion, the millennial era as it is now does not rule out the possibility that hoax news is increasingly rampant until now as well as students, citizens and others are still affected on issues that are not necessarily true. Thinking longer there are several ways or tips in dealing with conflicts that are sweeping the nation.

  1. Look at the Website
    One way to deal with hoax news spread cases is to open a website page. In an 80% news will include a link, then look at the web address if it is in an unverified location does not rule out the possibility that the news can still be said to be doubtful about its truth. Paying attention to a news link will help the reader find out whether or not the news is true. Just because an article or picture people will feel threatened or feel themselves mired deeper about the truth of a news.

2. Look for facts in the news
Until now news and info are still in doubt news can still be fact or opinion. Summarize each fact in the news from various evidence to the witness concerned if the news is truth there will be an acknowledgment from the person concerned not the opinion of the author so that the news will be real. An article that usually does not include a witness is one of the characteristics of hoax news, because in the absence of a witness concerned, the writer will be reluctant to provide factual information and it will be difficult to convert an information into a form of hoax news.

3.Develop curiosity
Curiosity is also titled to the truth of a news, in the millennial era the popularity of adolescents will be dominant in finding out from some of the news points that are spread. Search engine or Google methods are often targeted by those who want to find real information will make it easier for readers to know the truth in a news. However, in finding out the truth, we must look for similarities and differences in one news and another news. In an essay is usually tucked a sentence that is not much different from the other essay so pay attention to as much detail as possible the sentence because the prose of a person’s sentence is different. And don’t forget to visit the official webpage of the authorities who will most likely give the truth in a story because the official page will usually display the witnesses concerned who will tell the truth in an incident that is being discussed in that way which will make it easier to find more detailed information again.

Watch the Title
It often happens that hoax news contains provocative or inciting titles. It is not a hoax news if the contents of the title do not contain excessive sensation until the reader is horrified by how it looks so that it will fall into curiosity to read it to the end. Such a provocative title seems to plunge the reader into the way the news is true. However, in reading news like this one must be careful not to believe in the tantalizing title but it results in deterrence. Irresponsible smartphone users will do as they please by making news that is profane the truth that causes conflicts in cyberspace to plunge the young generation of Indonesia.

The sad conflict in the spread of hoax news resulted in the government having to intervene in overcoming it, but as a younger generation also needed its role in tackling hoax news. This country is already in a crisis that is not easy to deal with, however, all forms of government administration will continue until finally this nation, the Indonesian Nation is a country that is truly based on Unity in Diversity, holding tightly united for the progress of creating the country’s philosophy of inspiration . (*)

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