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Momentum for Independence to Unite Against Hoax for the Progress of Indonesia’s Development


Building is one of the keys to the success of a country to achieve unity and independent leadership. Hoax is information that is actually not true, but is made as if it were true. This is not the same as rumors, pseudo science, and April Fools’ Day.

According to the KBBI, Hoaks contain the meaning of false news, no news sourced. According to Silverman (2015), hoaks are a series of information that is deliberately misled, but “sold” as truth. According to Werme (2016), defining Fake news as false news that contains information that intentionally misleads people and has a specific political agenda. Hoaks are not just misleading, information in fake news also has no factual basis, but is presented as if it were a series of facts.

Some hoaxes have pros and cons in another person’s point of view. Hoaxes may be supportive if the content is funny that can be enjoyed by readers, but indeed there are more flaws in the hoax that can cause harm to the community. However, in my opinion this hoax title can be funny if interpreted in the form of a standup / anecdote story so that the audience can participate in a hoax title that is on a performance. For example, a comedian standup provided material about a comedian story “so, I once went on a trip to West Sumatra by car”, to go with my family, on the way I heard a loud noise like someone crashing on the street, “out of the way”, sound his voice, I was surprised When I woke up in the car I didn’t know I only dreamed. Hahaha that’s a little hoax story that is categorized as an anecdote.

When talking about hoaxes, there are a lot of sources that we usually get either from print media, social media, internet media and so on. Of course, people are usually able to distinguish between good and bad. If we often read news about facts, we will get a real experience. Then if we often read hoax information then we will get hoax experience.

As newsmakers, we must create a story that is in accordance with the chronology of events. Because usually every reporter employee or reporter has the responsibility and rights in every team that is made into a news narrative. Usually the journalist’s competency is nothing but training the skills in speaking directly and making smart, thorough, and straightforward news. Various verification of permits that although fulfilled to be distributed can be valid news.

Hoax can be sourced in the form of visuals such as funny meme pictures, advertisements, news updates, and a political opinion that contains SARA and RAS elements. This form is supposed to be a thing that although it is avoided and does not need to be understood. We just need to know and filter by taking meaning of what is good and discarding what is bad. Hoaxes can lead to new cases, misunderstandings, and unclear information. Based on the data I got from Google, the finding of hoax issues has increased from August 2018 – March 2019.

August 2018 – March 2019

Based on increasing data, this certainly must be noted that hoaxes continue to be in the consumption of Indonesian people. We despite protecting young people from consuming an untrue news. According to Jhon Suller Martin (2013), there are six things that change the behavior of internet users. That is, you do not know me (disassosiative anonymity), you cannot see (invisibility), affairs later (asynchronicity), everything is in the head, no one else (solipsistic introjections), not the real world, only games (dissosiative imagination) , and no more authority, all equal (minimalizing authority).

Youth has three main roles in the life of the nation and state today. First, as the next generation who firmly and consistently continue the struggle of the previous generation. Second, as a substitute generation to replace the older generation who have not been able to carry out the mandate. Third, as a reformer generation who earnestly strives to realize justice, prosperity, and prosperity of the nation.

Information that is spreading quickly is currently used by certain parties to spread hoax news. News hoaxes can spread quickly due to the high penetration rate of internet users in Indonesia, reaching 132 million users in 2016 according to data from APJII (Indonesian Internet Service Providers Association). The culture of Indonesians who are proud when they can spread the news for the first time, whether it’s true or not, is also one of the reasons.

At this time the hoax news has been made in a way that resembles the original news, supplemented with data as if it were a fact. The emergence of this hoax news is because there are parties who want to make the situation chaotic and take advantage of it.

The government must start seriously dealing with the spread of hoax news. The revision of the new ITE Law can actually be a legal basis to ensnare not only hoax news makers, but also those who spread it. However, this criminal threat is less efficient because the spread of hoax news has been very massive and carried out by almost all internet users.

Media hoax news dissemination is done through news portals and social media. News portals produce hoax content with several purposes, among which the most frequently encountered are political as well as economic reasons. Some portals suspected of producing hoaxy content have politically strong reasons to criticize the government.

Vice versa, there are sites that deliberately produce content to attack the opposition. Both have their respective loyal readers. This also makes the news portal widely accessible and generates material benefits.

Social media, which is widely used to spread it is Facebook and Twitter. News, graphics, and video hoaxes are disseminated systematically and massively through social media accounts.

In addition to social media, WhatsApp is often used as a media for distribution. WhatsApp is relatively more difficult to monitor because it is closed. The spread through WhatsApp is very effective and fast because of the socio-cultural capital of people who love to share stories. So, How is the Solution Against Hoax?

In my opinion the solution that although the government does is First, the government takes the role of mediator in the shortest possible time, in this case as a verifier, both through government official accounts and accounts that can be invited to work together. Every hoax and fake news that attacks the policies of an agency, no longer requires a long time to be clarified. Clarification is not only in the form of text, but also in the form of graphics and videos that are produced in a short time and distributed via traditional channels or social media or official sites. Like the bps.go.id site.

Second, the government approaches the influential accounts, providing an understanding of the extent of the danger of wild issues developing on social media. Social media works as an opinion guide, so influential accounts have a big role to play. These influential accounts can be in the form of original personal accounts or group accounts. Like the Kataindonesia.com site.

Third, work with Google to remove hoax content from their search engine. With Google’s tax problem, the government should be able to lobby with a stronger position. Moreover, many web and blog hoax content spreaders use Google’s blogspot or blogger-based platforms.

Fourth, the government creates an official site or application that can explain to the public which sites are dangerous to open, because of their hoax content, or any news that turns out to be untrue. This becomes the main reference for the community.

Finally, involving the general public directly by creating a community that aims to combat hoaxes because community participation is also needed for the government in this matter. This community can help the government by reporting hoax news that is circulating and telling the truth of a hoax news.

Therefore, it is still wise when using the internet. Do not easily believe all the news or news that is read. Re-check the truth of a story by comparing it from other sources, and do not redistribute it if the news is not true.

Stay firm with yourself, don’t be easily influenced by news with no clarity. Despite the existence of concrete evidence that shows that the account is correct and has a clear purpose, with a clear company address and a clear sender / recipient. Indonesia has a number of millennials with more demographic bonuses, so the next generation must be smart and smart in looking at information carefully and more patiently in developing a strategy for clear and true information.

Usually true information has the characteristic of having a clear web address, clear office address, precise and accurate information. Hopefully Indonesia will be more reduced Hoax issues and increasingly open internet communication network with true and accurate information.

(Author: Fhrengki Fernando – Source: from various Google.com references)

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