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The Spirit of Peace of Students from Papua


By: Edward Krey) *

Although the Papua region was hit by riots to obstruct the flow of arterial roads and the burning of the DPRD building. A number of PLN High School Engineering Students from Papua chose to call for a peaceful declaration in the Duri Kosambi area, Cengkareng, West Jakarta.

They reject the hoax news and together with the community maintain security and order and maintain the integrity of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).

This certainly deserves to be appreciated, where after the riots that occurred in Manokwari, a number of students actually chose to call for a peaceful declaration. They were reluctant to get involved in the riots and keep the atmosphere safe and conducive together with Papuan students studying at STT PLN Jakarta.

In front of the police, they reject all forms of false news and are determined to maintain the integrity of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia. They also said they would be with the community and continue to maintain security and order. For them, the Unlimited Price of the Republic of Indonesia is no longer negotiable.

One of the students participating in the Alfa declaration claimed to have been shocked by the news of the riots in Manokwari, but he tried to remain calm and called his parents in Manokwari, but instead he was instead questioned by his parents.

While students in Jakarta are guaranteed to be safe, they will not be affected by negative issues, which can cause riots.

Meanwhile the Cengkareng police chief Commissioner Khoiri said that in Cengkareng there were many Papuan students and their presence was safe. The students were chosen from the area who chose to continue their studies in the capital. It is they who will become leaders in their regions.

The police and military have also been communicating with students from Bumi Cenderawasih, to always guard the capital region so that they are not provoked to conduct similar riots.

On a different occasion, a number of mass organizations and representatives of Papuan students held a peaceful declaration at the Claro Hotel in Makassar, South Sulawesi. They responded to the current community security situation following the riots in Papua and West Papua.

The declaration is a form of their attitude towards a sense of unity, and supports the recovery of a conducive situation in Papua. They appealed to all parties to always support the integrity of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia (NKRI)

The declaration was attended by elements of CSOs such as the South Sulawesi Unity Forum (FUIB), Wahdah Islamiyah, KPPSI, IKADI other mass organizations. The program began with a discussion entitled “Strengthening National Harmony Solidarity in Makassar.”

The event was also attended by several figures and officials, including Makassar Mayor Iqbal Samad Suhaeb, Makassar Police Chief, Senior Commissioner Wahyu Dwi Ariwibowo, Chief of 1408 / BS Kodim Lieutenant Colonel Andriyanto.

In the discussion before the peace declaration, Acting Mayor of Makassar Iqbal Samad Suhaeb stressed the importance of maintaining unity and integrity. He also emphasized that Makassar City is a shared house, where people live heterogeneously.

According to Iqbal, Makassar is an area inhabited by people from various ethnic and community backgrounds. He hoped that the fuss that occurred outside Sulawesi would not spread in Makassar City.

It was also reported, a few days ago there had been tension after a commotion in the Papua Dormitory Area on Jalan Lanto Daeng Pasewang. But beyond that, Papuan students said they felt safe living in Makassar. The commotion that had occurred was also considered to have been resolved so that the situation returned conducive.

Rano Papuan Student Representative, also thanked the government and security forces who were considered to have guaranteed protection for Papuan students in Makassar.

It also feels protected, and invites fellow students from Papua to consider themselves not migrants, because students from Papua are countrymen and fellow citizens.

In the declaration, they fully support the efforts of law enforcement officials to provide decisive action and secure unscrupulous individuals who always try to continue to provoke between elements of the nation’s children who can create horizontal conflict.

They also supported the central government to immediately consolidate and give a firm statement so that the figures in Papua and West Papua as well as all elements of the nation’s children, so that Papua and West Papua become more conducive, so as to create a harmonious atmosphere of brotherhood among the nation’s children.

)* The writer is a Papuan student, living in Yogyakarta

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