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Beware of Provocation, Knit Back Unity and Peace in Papua


By: Rebecca Marian )*

The riots between mass organizations and students from Papua that occurred in Surabaya, East Java turned out to have an impact on security in Papua in general. Various provocations through social media turned out to be able to hypnotize the mass of action that initially proceeded peacefully but ended with roadblocks and the DPRD’s arson.

In addition to the impact of viral videos on social media, the riots that occurred were thought to be interference from political armed groups who were not happy with Papua’s progress.

In that sense the group felt anxious because the central government had sought to carry out infrastructure development in order to advance Eastern Indonesia particularly in Bumi Cenderawasih.

Thousands of people took to the streets during the riots, in fact it appeared that several participants were raising the flag of the Free Papua Organization (OPM). Through the amateur video circulating, vehicles inside the DPRD building are also not spared from the raging mass of months.

The unrest was always unstoppable, when a wave of action by thousands of masses in Manokwari felt offended by the statement of racism in Surabaya. The road blockade action spread to the burning of a number of shops owned by migrants.

Moeldoko as the Presidential Chief of Staff revealed that the armed groups did not want Papua to become an advanced region, so they often disturbed the stability of security in Papua, starting from the attack on Nduga Papua until the riots which struck a number of areas in West Papua.

The armed group felt they had their own vehicle when the riots in Papua were seen as the right moment to fly the Morning Star flag. But apparently with full awareness the community was not trapped into their scenario.

On different occasions, Papua Governor Lukas Enembe stressed that Papua is part of Indonesia. That will continue until later.

After conducting hospitality at the Grahadi State Building, Surabaya, the delegation of the Governor of Papua and the Governor of East Java, visited the Papuan student hostel on Jalan Kalasan No. 10 Surabaya.

But upon arrival at the location, the group’s arrival was refused by Papuan students. Even the residents shout “Garuda”. They also echoed “Free Papua”

Luke considers that the rejection was due to lack of coordination when going to visit there. He also plans to reschedule a visit to the Papuan Student dormitory in Surabaya. Because rejection also occurred to the staff of the Provincial Government of Papua and West Papua.

He also said that his visit to the Papua Students dormitory in Surabaya also involved the parents of several Students. But, the attempt was apparently unsuccessful. He saw, the students were too emotional with the many groups that came to him.

Although there are banners that stretch out asking for a referendum, Lukas stressed that this is the realm of President Joko Widodo as head of state. It also has reported this to President Jokowi.

Problems related to Papua certainly are a serious problem, solving these problems certainly requires a cultural approach that involves the Papuan people, and all Indonesian people must play an active role in solving the problem of Papua.

We have a role not to act racist so that Papuan people can feel that they are an integral part of the Indonesian society and nation.

But it would be the opposite if all forms of stigma, discrimination and violence against the people of Papua would only give birth to a cycle of violence and hatred, and would certainly hurt a sense of humanity.

We certainly agree that violence, discrimination and racism are not the identity of Indonesian people. Resolving this problem is certainly not only by law enforcement.

Of course the easy step that we can take is to convey the message of peace through the social media line that we have, there is also no harm in reverting the hashtag #Papua For NKRI.

The message of peace will certainly be one of our steps in burying the provocative hoaxes of racism.

The spirit of unity must also be upheld for the sake of the realization of an increasingly solid NKRI, lest the issue of racism become a third party ride that wants to call for a separatist movement.

)* The writer is a Papuan student, living in Jakarta

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