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The Prohibition of Homecoming is a Right Move and Must Be Supported


By: Dyah Hanindya

The government officially bans going home from 6-17 May. The goal is to reduce the spread of Covid-19 to a wider range. Meanwhile, learning from the explosion of positive cases of Covid-19 in India, workers should also not go back and forth.

It is hoped that the homecoming prohibition is seen as something positive, because it is not Eid in the village to protect the family there. When you force to go back to your hometown and it turns out that you are part of the OTG, it will be very dangerous for our parents and our other families.

Transmission can happen quickly and without realizing it. Those who are old are easier to contract Covid-19 and the highest risk is serious illness that leads to death.

We must reflect on the case in India when there were crowds and people who did not comply with health protocols. As a result, hundreds of people die every day. It is feared that when homecoming is not prohibited, something similar will happen. Of course, we must be diligent in facing the pandemic conditions in this holy month.

Breaking the chain of transmission of Covid-19 is a fixed price. Therefore, the government’s appeal to postpone the homecoming needs to be considered. Those who have already gone home are required to be self-isolated for 14 days. During that time, they should not have physical contact with anyone, including their family.

The ban on going home is not a government arrogance, but rather a form of concern for the people and an effort to break the chain of the spread of Covid-19. Therefore, it requires the collaboration of all elements of the nation.

Love your family in your hometown by not going home, let’s increase our optimism to accelerate the handling of Covid-19 by sharing positive information for the whole community.

(Bogor City Citizen)

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