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Towards Indonesia’s Future Forward in 2019 Election without Hoax


By: Doni Kusmantoro

Towards the 2019 Election, the interest groups tried hard to lead public opinion using hoaxes which aimed to attract public sympathy to the figures they supported. The interest groups spread hatred towards other figures they considered as opposed to using fake news or hoaxes. These irresponsible individuals make the political climate of 2019 become murky and unhealthy.

What is even more sad is that those who receive false news are affected and just accept the information to take actions that are in accordance with what the disseminator of the lies expects. This certainly should not be left alone because it can threaten the value of democracy and the spirit of unity and diversity which is the main face of this very homeland that we hold dear and love.

If it is not immediately followed up, there is a high probability that the Indonesian state will have a bleak future because of the actions of interest groups who always make noise in cyberspace which can disrupt national life in the success of national leadership sustainability in order to successfully sustain development.

When the leadership chair is achieved in bad and inhumane ways, the risk that can occur is a breakdown of the sense of unity and gloom of the future of the NKRI, this needs to be anticipated by not spreading and being consumed by hoax news.

Of course we all as dignified citizens of Indonesia do not want this to happen. So we must ensure that the 2019 election is free of hoaxes by participating in existing anti-hoax movements through concrete efforts to spread positive content content that fosters national optimism and pride as an Indonesian nation that has many advantages.

By fighting hoaxes, we can ensure that the future of a more advanced Indonesia and the national leadership sustainability program can run well and wisely and ensure the success of national development which is currently intensively carried out in order to reach a prosperous and advanced society. Let’s pray and spread prayers for the 2019 Election which is of peaceful quality and dignity for the continuation of national leadership and the success of national development with a united spirit and opponents of hoaxes.

Netizen from Rangkasbitung

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