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Transfer of ASN Status Does Not Reduce the Independence of KPK Employees


By: Raditya Rahman)*

Independence is an absolute thing that must be owned by law enforcement agencies, and this principle must be promoted as mandated by the KPK law. The public also believes that the transfer of the status of KPK employees does not affect the independence of employees in eradicating corruption cases.

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) denies that the independence of employees has been eroded in the national insight test (TWK). The independence of the Anti-Corruption Institution in eradicating racist practices in Indonesia is certain to remain strong.

Corruption Eradication Commission spokesman Ali Fikri said TWK was a condition for changing the status of KPK employees to state civil servants (ASN). This is a mandate in Law Number 19 of 2019. So it is not true that TWK is part of weakening the KPK.

Ali also emphasized that the handling of corruption in Indonesia was not disrupted just because of the status transfer process. All tasks of the KPK are ensured to continue.

Previously, the Presidential Spokesperson for Legal Affairs, Dini Purwono, emphasized that PP No. 41/2020 established employees at the Corruption Eradication Commission.

He emphasized on the official website of the cabinet secretariat that this PP would not reduce the independent nature of the KPK, as Article 3 of the KPK Law states that the KPK remains independent and free from the influence of any power.

He also emphasized that the determination of the status of KPK employees as ASN or civil servants was not an attempt by the government to weaken the anti-corruption agency. There is absolutely no intention of the Government to weaken the KPK in this regard, on the contrary it is part of strengthening the institution of eradicating corruption in Indonesia.

On a different occasion, Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Firli Bahuri, denied the alleged attempt to get rid of KPK employees through the National Insight Test.

He was also surprised by the narrative that TWK was used as a tool to expel several KPK employees.

Firli said that TWK is one of the requirements for the process of transferring the status of KPK employees to state civil servants.

The selection process for KPK employees is carried out with the same procedures and mechanisms, there is no special treatment.

Firli said that the change in employee status would still strengthen the independence of the KPK. Because the loyalty of KPK employees to Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia and the government has been planted since the recruitment process to the guidance and code of ethics of the KPK.

Then what is the purpose of holding TWK? To answer this question, of course, we can refer to Law Number 5 of 2014 concerning State Civil Apparatus (Law 5/2014) which stipulates that in carrying out the profession as an ASN must be based on the basic principles and values ​​as regulated in Article 3 , and 4.

In the article, ASN as a profession must be based on principles, basic values, code of ethics and code of conduct, commitment to moral integrity and responsibility for public services, competencies required in accordance with the field of duty, academic qualifications, guarantee of legal protection in carrying out their duties and professionalism. position.

While the values ​​referred to in the article are, adhere to the Pancasila ideology, be loyal and defend the state constitution, serve the state and people of Indonesia, carry out duties professionally and impartially, make decisions based on the principle of expertise, create a non-discriminatory work environment, maintain and uphold high ethical standards, be accountable for their actions and performance to the public.

It should also be noted that the TWK in the KPK ASN selection touched on many things such as HTI, FPI and terrorism which were deemed not to be in accordance with the main duties of the employee’s function.

Responding to the polemic, Bima Haria Wibisana finally spoke up, he considered it natural that the TWK question in the ASN selection questioned about radicalism and mass organization, because that is what the assessment wants to assess.

The assessment is actually also useful to see the degree of radicalism of the test takers. So of course it is natural that there are questions or prompts in such interviews to explore the confidence level of the participants.

Meanwhile, Social Media Activist Eko Kunthadi said that 51 KPK employees who did not pass the national insight test should be dismissed immediately.

According to Eko, those who did not pass the ASN test and there was already a second verification then did not pass either.

So that there is no purpose to reduce the independence of the KPK with the TWK test, instead this test is needed to find KPK employees who are able to strengthen the KPK.

)* The author is a contributor to the Press Circle and Cikini Students

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