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Unity and Oneness Become the Main Capital Towards “Golden Indonesia 2045”


Jakarta – The national leadership resulting from the 2024 political contest must have the ability to navigate to take the nation beyond international dynamics so that national interests can still be achieved. Unity and unity is a priority and the main capital towards “Golden Indonesia 2045”.

This was revealed in a national webinar organized by the Moya Institute entitled “Proclamation: Opportunities and Challenges for Leaders Towards Indonesia Gold 2045”, Friday (25/8) yesterday.

A number of observers and figures took part in the national webinar, namely observers on strategic and global issues who is also the former Indonesian Ambassador to China, Prof. Imron Cotan, Chancellor of Jenderal Achmad Yani University, Hikmahanto Juwana, Reform Politician, Fahri Hamzah, General Secretary of PP Muhammadiyah, Prof. Abdul Mu’ti, and Executive Director of the Moya Institute, Hery Sucipto.

Prof. Imron Cotan said the 2024 presidential election was an opportunity for the Indonesian people to elect a leader who had a strong commitment to national unity and integrity. He must be able to build communication between various community groups, and in making decisions consider the common interest.

“The presidential election is a crucial moment in determining the direction of Indonesia in the next two decades. Voters should consider a candidate who not only has a clear international vision, but also a strong commitment to advancing domestic interests,” said Imron Cotan.

Chancellor of Jenderal Achmad Yani University, Hikmahanto Juwana, whoever holds the reins of national leadership must be able to inflame the spirit and perspective that Indonesia can become a super power country.

“In order to achieve this desire, whoever the presidential candidates have been determined by the KPU need to have a commitment to reject foreign intervention that seeks to control us,” he said.

Reform politician, Fahri Hamzah, said that future leaders must continue President Jokowi’s development program, so that there is continuity, including IKN. Currently, Indonesia is moving towards the ideals written by the founding fathers of the nation in the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution, namely to place Indonesia in an international perspective.

“The future leader must continue President Jokowi’s development program, including IKN. Not long after the Proclamation, Indonesia became a global player, for example there was the Asian-African Conference which inspired the nations of the world,” said Fahri.

General Secretary of PP Muhammadiyah, Prof. Abdul Mu’ti, argues that there are four sovereignties that are important to be strengthened to achieve “Golden Indonesia 2045”. First, political sovereignty, namely self-determination, in accordance with the 1945 Constitution. Second, territorial sovereignty to optimize everything contained in Indonesia’s land. Third, cultural sovereignty which shows that we have unique characteristics and characteristics as an Indonesian nation. Finally, sovereignty is an international position to create world peace

“In order for these four sovereignty to become the foundation towards Golden Indonesia 2045, the supporting strength lies in human resources, namely the number of educated citizens. For this reason, the new government’s program must be sustainable, not changed and started from zero again,” said Mu’ti.

Meanwhile, the Executive Director of the Moya Institute, Hery Sucipto, said that Indonesia must be able to produce quality and superior national leaders in every era of government.

“A strong capital that must be possessed by future leaders is the ability to create, maintain and foster national unity and integrity,” said Hery.

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