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Wamena Riot Is Triggered by Hoax, People are Called to Be Vigilant


By: Sabby Kossay )*

The riots hit Wamena on Monday (09/23) due to the hoax of the alleged racism of a teacher to his students. The action took place anarchist and caused casualties. Reflecting on the incident, the public is urged to remain vigilant.

Grief news comes from Papua. Bumi Cendrawasih was injured again, a demonstration that led to anarchist actions. Causing a lot of material losses as well as spiritual. Public access such as the Bupati’s office and residents’ houses could not be separated from the mass tantrums at the time. This action was considered to be very fast, primary and secondary schools were sent home immediately so that students were not trapped in the atmosphere of clashes that occurred.

The riot that occurred in Wamena City, on Monday (09/23) was allegedly caused by hoax news about the racial statement of the teacher to the student in high school (SMA). The information is believed to be widespread and trigger anger which led to anarchism. There are at least 3,000 refugees, 1,500 of them displaced at Jayaimijaya Kodim 1702.

Papua Regional Police Chief Insp. Gen. Rodja stated that his party had searched related schools. However, in reality the issue does not exist. The related teacher had been interrogated and there were no racist sentences, that was confirmed. So Rodja hopes that the people in Wamena and all of Papua will not be easily provoked by news that is uncertain.

While other allegations emerge that there will be an attempt to collaborate with a third party to infiltrate this action, the West Papua National Committee Group (KNPB). The statement was obtained from Lt. Col. Chandra Diyanto, as the 1702 Jayawijaya Dandim. However, thankful Wamena returned conducive on Monday night. Although the atmosphere was considered stable, the joint TNI-POLRI apparatus was still on standby to anticipate follow-up actions.

Chandra, revealed that yesterday’s action was not planned at all. Anarchist action began when PGRI school students invited Yapis High School to go down the street. But the appeal was not heeded, so they damaged the Yapis school. It was from this that spontaneous actions emerged from them to invite all high school students in the city of Wamena to take to the streets.

Related to the indication of a third party, namely KNPB also justified. Considering the demo in Wamena was purely done by high school students. However, this burning action was considered to have been planned. After the incident, the students seemed to hold a demonstration and forced other schools to join. Psychologically this invitation makes the young soul of students soar. Without thinking, finally joined the bait and joined.

One of the points of planning for burning is suspected to be one of the offices and places of the economy. As reported by many media outlets, the Regent’s office has been burned to the ground and an information service center, PLN was also set on fire. Including shop houses and people’s homes can not be separated from the tantrums of the masses. There are also a number of reports such as the Yuda supermarket with an investment value of hundreds of millions also contributed to the months. Although many were injured because they had to jump from the second floor, fortunately there were no fatalities in it.

Even though they have returned to normal, there are still many refugees who are still surviving because they are afraid of a follow-up action. In the Kodim 1702 tennis area they set up platoon tents and sleeping mats. TNI members also built field kitchens and cooked food that was still available. Given the supply of food needs is running low. In addition, the need for clothing is also considered important, considering that the refugees only use existing clothing in the body.

Jayawijaya Regent, John Richard Banua, also appealed to the whole community not to be provoked by the hoax news. In fact, residents were also asked to work together to create security, so that the situation in Wamena could be restored.

The importance of refraining from provocation attacks by oneself seems trivial. However, the positive effects we will feel, because this effort is included in the creation of a safe situation related to the incident that occurred. Public access called social media seems to dominate a number of riots that occurred in Bumi Cendrawasih. The implication is that more people will be provoked and behave similarly. If this is the case the third party will laugh, while the people of Papua are only given a wound.

Let the whole community strengthen themselves from the provocative issues which are detrimental to many parties. Enough news about racial issues which Hoax believes has destroyed the state and social order. Let’s grow a positive mental attitude to support security stability.

)* The writer is a Papuan student living in Yogyakarta

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