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Beware of Corona XXB, Keep Complying with Health Protocols


By: Farrell Haroon Jabar )*

The Covid-19 virus continues to mutate and currently there is an Omicron subvariant XXB. This subvariant should be watched out for because it can cause a spike in corona patients. XXB is thought to be much more contagious than the Centaurus subvariant or any of the others. The community is expected to remain disciplined in implementing health protocols, so as not to be infected with Corona XXB.

The pandemic isn’t over and now there is a new Corona subvariant, namely XXB. The subvariant that is based on the Omicron variant is predicted to be far more malignant, and the number of patients in Singapore has increased dramatically. Covid-19 as a virus continues to mutate and its mutations are always stronger.

Corona XXB is known to have appeared when there was a surge in patients in Singapore, and it is predicted that the peak of the corona attack will occur in mid-November 2022 there. The public needs to be aware of XXB because he has entered Indonesia and the case was found on October 22, 2022. As a result of XXB, there has been an increase in the number of corona patients, followed by the death of patients who generally have not been vaccinated.

The latest data from the Covid-19 Task Force which was released on Thursday 17 November 2022 shows that there was an additional 7,822 cases of the corona virus in a day. In the same period, there were 38 cases of death and 5,264 patients recovered. The addition of these patients needs to be anticipated because it can cause a fourth wave of Corona attacks.

The public needs to be aware of the XXB corona because it can spread much more quickly, when compared to the Delta variant or the Centaurus subvariant. They are required to memorize the characteristics of being infected with Corona XXB, including: fever, cough, shortness of breath, tired body easily, nausea, diarrhea, sore throat, dizziness, and anosmia (loss of sense of smell).

If there are people who have one or many of the characteristics of being affected by Corona XXB, they are encouraged to immediately take an independent test (rapid or PCR) so that they can be dealt with quickly. Tests can be held in hospitals, laboratories, or now there are many health worker services that come to the house and carry out testing at the patient’s residence.

If you are positive for Corona, then you don’t need to worry because the government is still free of charge for the treatment, provided you have to have an active BPJS card. It’s better to get tested, get treated quickly and recover quickly, after all, the cost is affordable. Don’t ignore the test results and then stay out of the house as usual, because this will transmit the virus to more people and can prolong the pandemic.

To overcome corona XXB, the community must increase discipline in adhering to health protocols. Unfortunately, in recent months many have violated protocol, especially wearing masks. Wearing a mask is the first point in the health protocol, because masks can protect the nose and mouth from droplets that carry the Covid-19 virus.

People need to be reminded again to wear masks and be in the correct position. Doctor Reisa Brotoasmoro stated that to tackle the transmission of the Covid-19 virus, a minimum of 70% of people in 1 room must wear a mask. In a sense, you have to wear a mask together, don’t just wear 1 or 2 people because it won’t be effective against corona.

Another point in the health protocol that is often violated is maintaining distance and avoiding crowds. Lately, music concerts have begun to be held which invite large audiences. The committee must ensure that the event complies with health protocols, for example everyone must wear a mask and the building capacity is according to regulations.

If there is a violation, for example, the number of concert attendees increases and is not in accordance with the initial permit, then the authorities may disband the event. This action is to prevent the formation of new corona clusters and prevent them from the XXB subvariant Covid-19 virus. Don’t forget that now is still a pandemic and everyone must comply with health protocols, not only at home but also outside the home.

The community is also obliged to reduce mobility as one of the important points in the health protocol. For example, during the holiday season, refrain from traveling out of town or going home, because you will definitely be crowded on public transportation. It’s better to be patient and stay at home, than to force yourself to travel and go home carrying the very dangerous Covid-19 subvariant XXB virus.

In addition to the health protocol, the public is also required to get a vaccine up to 3 times the dose (booster). Don’t just be a booster just for the sake of being able to pass into the Mall to scan the Care Protect application. Aim for a complete vaccine so that it is truly protected from any variants and subvariants of the Covid-19 virus, during a pandemic.

Corona variant Omicron subvariant XXB has entered Indonesia and caused a surge in patients. This condition is very worrying, because there are patients who are not helped and eventually lose their lives. Do not let many people get infected, therefore the community is encouraged to continue to be disciplined in carrying out health and vaccination protocols.

)* The author is a contributor to Nusantara Reading Room

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