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Obey Proces to Prevent Corona Contagion


By: Abdul Razak)*

Corona cases in Indonesia are still high and the public is asked to continue to obey health protocols. Never take off your mask while doing activities outside the house and immediately follow the booster vaccination to avoid Covid-19. At the beginning of the pandemic in March 2020, people had panic attacks and they bought masks to avoid Corona. They also immediately obey the government’s advice to comply with health protocols. In addition to reducing mobility, people also increase their immunity by regularly exercising and drinking herbal decoctions. However, when the pandemic has been running for more than 2 years, the discipline of health protocols begins to loosen. Many people are lazy to wear masks and just ignore them when they go out in groups. Whereas as of September 14, 2022, the number of Corona patients in Indonesia is 2,799 people and the total number of Covid-19 patients since the beginning of the pandemic is 6,400,035 people. The number of patients, which has reached more than 2,000 people, is certainly worrying because Corona is still vicious. Therefore, the public is advised to continue to comply with health protocols. Doctor Reisa Brotoasmoro, Government Spokesperson for Corona, stated that in addition to mandatory vaccinations, people are also required to comply with health protocols. Continue to wear a mask, especially in areas of high interaction. Masks are the main protection for the mouth and nose from droplets that have the potential to carry the Covid-19 virus. Residents are required to wear masks because they don’t know whether the people who come into contact with them have been vaccinated or not, or maybe have OTG status (people without symptoms). Likewise with keeping your distance. Remain not too close in contact with other people, even if you are attending a meeting. Holding events that invite the masses are not prohibited. However, they must obey health protocols by requiring participants to wear masks and arrange chairs to keep their distance. Meanwhile, the Covid-19 Handling Task Force has issued Circular Letter No. 20 of 2022 as a form of prevention of Corona transmission. The Circular explains in detail the regulations when there is a big event (which invites 1,000 people or more). Both domestic and international events. First, all participants must be vaccinated, including children over the age of 6 years. Participants who are still under 18 years old are enough to get 2 vaccines, while others are required to take a booster. Second, all participants are required to take an antigen test to be sure that their status is negative for Corona. However, during international events and inviting ministerial-level officials and above, all participants must have a PCR test 2×24 hours before and the results are negative. Finally, the event must have permission from the Police and also a permit for the feasibility of health protocols from the Covid-19 Task Force Team. If these conditions are met, a new event may be held. Do not be desperate to hold it without permission because it will be dissolved by the authorities. The arrangement of the event is indeed very strict because the event invites many people and is of international class, so it must obey the protocol in order to minimize the occurrence of new Corona clusters. Prevention of the transmission of the Covid-19 virus must be carried out with health protocols, so that the number of patients can be reduced. If all event organizers obey the Circular from the Covid-19 Task Force Team, it will be orderly and there will be no Corona transmission. The reason is because all participants were confirmed negative from the Covid-19 virus and were disciplined to wear masks. Event arrangements must also comply with protocols, and to outsmart a place that is not too large, you can use a hybrid method, aka some participants come online. Obedience to health protocols is not only carried out by the people, but also representatives of the people. The Secretary General of the DPR RI Indra Iskandar stated that the MPR RI Annual Session, August 16, 2022, was held with very strict health protocols. All members of the MPR and DDR RI, President Jokowi, along with other Annual Session participants are required to take a PCR test within 2×24 hours. They are also required to wear masks and comply with other points in the health protocol. In fact, President Jokowi’s speech can only be accessed via the cloud and QR code so that it is paperless and avoids physical contact, so that everyone can keep their distance. The people’s representatives set a good example to continue to comply with health protocols, even though the pandemic has been running for more than 2 years. Their discipline should be appreciated because people will imitate it. If there are more people who obey health protocols, it will suppress Corona cases and people are optimistic that the pandemic will end faster. The public is obliged to obey health protocols such as washing hands, wearing masks, maintaining distance, and maintaining immunity. Make sure everyone wears a mask when doing activities, because Corona continues to mutate. Discipline must be maintained so that everyone is safe from the transmission of the Covid-19 virus and don’t forget to vaccinate up to 3 doses to have extra protection and Indonesia can soon enter the endemic phase.

)* The author is a contributor to the Nusa Bangs Institute

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