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Papua Youth Creative Hub (PYCH) Home of the Future for Papuan Youth


The Papua Youth Creative Hub (PYCH), which was inaugurated by President Joko Widodo in March 2023, is one of the platforms that can develop young Papuan talents.

The PYCH building is utilized by Inspiring Young Papuans assisted by the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) to increase the talents of Papuan youths in the fields of agriculture, animal husbandry, MSMEs, fashion, etc.

President Joko Widodo believes that Papua Province is one of the provinces in Indonesia which is rich in potential natural resources (SDA). For this reason, President Joko Widodo has made Papua a priority for Indonesia-centric infrastructure development.

Deputy IV for the Economy of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) Made Kartikajaya said the PYCH Building is a BIN fostered forum to be able to implement big ideas and ideas for the welfare of the land of Papua.

“The existence of the PYCH building is a form of the President’s commitment that Indonesia’s development is not Java-centric but Indonesia-centric,” said Made Kartikajaya.

“This PYCH building is the first building built in Indonesia which is proof that the government is very concerned about Papua. Therefore, BIN will never stop promoting the welfare of the Papuan people,” he continued.

University of Indonesia Social Observer Devie Rahmawati said the PYCH building could be used as a place of learning in building talents and businesses so that its benefits could be felt not only in Papua but throughout Indonesia and abroad.

“This big house with a center will help young people meet each other, discuss with each other, and even hope that in the future there will be a mentor accompanying them so that their potential can produce young Papuans who have independence in business which can be utilized not only locally but also other cities in Indonesia and abroad,” said Social Observer at the University of Indonesia Devie Rahmawati.

The construction of the PYCH building is not only a form of equal distribution of infrastructure in the land of Papua but also as a forum for developing human resources (HR) to be able to realize a golden Indonesia in 2045.

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