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President Jokowi Inaugurates PYCH Proof of Indonesiacentric Development


By: Felix Anton )*

The government is aggressively building various infrastructure programs in Papua, including the construction of the Papua Youth Creative Hub (PYCH) building. The existence of this building dispels the negative stigma of Papua which has so far been considered unnoticed. The current government’s development is no longer Java-centric but Indonesia-centric.

PYCH is a forum for Papuan youth who have interests and talents in the creative field. In addition, PYCH gathers outstanding young Human Resources (HR) from various cross-disciplines from Papua. 

PYCH was lined up to initiate the development of innovative Papuan human resources to develop the creative potential of Papuan youths, as well as reduce the negative stigma that is often pinned on Papua. It cannot be denied, the negative stigma of development in Indonesia so far has stated that development has only focused on certain areas. 

Now, this stigma is slowly disappearing in line with the existence of a number of development programs that have been carried out from the west to the east of Indonesia. Not just mere discourse, the Government’s commitment to development in all fields that is evenly distributed to the community is starting to be seen clearly

Negative stigma is prejudice given to a person or group of people for no apparent reason. Negative stigma towards Papua often arises from the views of other people who do not know closely how Papua is currently developing. 

This view is usually considered a form of discrimination and can have a negative effect on society, especially the Indigenous Papuans (OAP). Negative stigma about Papua also appears in various forms, including stereotypes about culture, poverty and conflicts that occur in the region. This causes the younger generation of Papua to often feel unappreciated and unfairly recognized.

Currently, the progress in Cendrawasih Land is starting to be seen and the benefits are felt by the people there, especially in terms of infrastructure to increasing the welfare of the people of Papua. This is done by the government by opening up regional isolation and increasing access and connectivity from land and multimodal. Papua currently has roads, bridges, settlements and a number of public facilities that are not inferior to similar facilities in other big cities.

PYCH is able to become  a booster  to eliminate the negative stigma against Papua apart from various evidences of infrastructure progress and improvements in people’s welfare. One of the efforts to eliminate the negative stigma in question is by campaigning for creative activities carried out by members of this community. 

Through these activities, others can see that Papuan youth have extraordinary talent and potential in the creative field. Apart from that, creative activities can also be a means of developing relationships between community members, as well as strengthening solidarity among Papuan youths, even to foreign countries.

One of the activities held at PYCH is skills training. This training aims to develop the skills needed by the young generation of Papua so they can build a better career. Through the activities organized by PYCH, the young generation in the region is given the opportunity to develop their creativity and talents, thereby helping to increase the self-confidence and self-esteem of the young generation of Papua.

During the  groundbreaking  of PYCH some time ago, President Jokowi hoped that PYCH could become a center for developing talents and become a creative center for young Papuans to strengthen the innovation ecosystem.

It is hoped that the PYCH initiated by the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) will become a place for Papuan youths to develop and develop their talents and potential. This will be an important step in building a better future for Papuan youth.

One of the young Papuan leaders, Vitha Faidiban, expressed his gratitude to President Jokowi and Head of BIN Budi Gunawan for supporting the construction of the PYCH Building. According to him, the PYCH Building is extraordinary in helping young Papuans to be creative, innovate, make works for the good of the people of the Land of Papua.

Besides PYCH, there are also futsal and basketball courts. While in the dormitory building, there are two dormitory buildings consisting of 24 rooms with complete bed facilities, wardrobes, private bathrooms and others. This very complete facility is none other than for the advancement of Papuan youths who will bring the Earth of Cendrawasih to a better direction.

The support and appreciation of Papuan youths is urgently needed in order to increase their optimism in advancing the Land of Papua within the framework of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. They have managed to overcome various obstacles and challenges to achieve success in their field of interest. With their success, these Papuan youths have become a good example for other young generations to keep fighting and pursuing their goals. 

Papuan youths must also continue to receive support and motivation from their surroundings, one of which is through the development of PYCH so that they can continue to develop and become reliable future leaders. That way, Papua will continue to develop into a more developed area and the negative stigma that has stuck so far will disappear forever.

)* The author is a Saptalika journalist

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