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The Job Creation Law Prints Businessmen and Expands Employment


By : Eva Kalyna Audrey )*

The existence of the Job Creation Law is able to create new business people with many regulations that have been simplified in the business world. This also has an impact on employment opportunities in Indonesia which are increasingly wide open.

The Job Creation Law (UU) which was ratified by the People’s Representative Council of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR RI) from the Government Regulation in Lieu of Law (Perppu) signed by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) at the end of 2022 does have many goals and positive impacts for the nation and society of Indonesia.

Some of the important objectives of the passing of the Job Creation Law are to be able to continue to encourage household consumption, domestic investment and also to create even wider job opportunities to reduce the unemployment rate in society.

It cannot be denied that the enactment of the Job Creation Law has provided far more benefits to the people of the country, whose goal is to improve people’s welfare because the contents of the Ciptaker Law are generally oriented towards increasing welfare.

With the enactment of the Job Creation Law, much more job opportunities can be opened, because the implementation of these rules in the field can have an impact on overcoming the shortage of workers that was experienced by Indonesia in many fields and levels of business or business.

It turns out that the expansion of employment opportunities is due to the increasing number of people who at first they may still work and become workers, but in the end they will much prefer to become entrepreneurs and own businesses.

Suddenly, of course, with more and more people becoming entrepreneurs, they are actually able to open and provide jobs for other people in Indonesia. More and more people are entering the business world because currently all permits and bureaucracy regarding this matter have been greatly simplified, of course they cannot be separated from the role of the Job Creation Law.

In the same vein, University of Indonesia (UI) Economic Observer, Fithra Faisal in one of the discussion events held by Communi&Co regarding the Job Creation Law, he emphasized that the existence of this regulation was able to create the widest possible employment opportunities. Not only about employment, but this policy can also increase the economic growth target so that Indonesia can be released from the middle-class economy.

In the Job Creation Law there are also other aspects that the public may not yet highlight and are not aware of, namely regarding the aspects of equity and simplification.

How could it not be, the article is that so far investors or investors still do not have a clear legal umbrella regarding investment activities that they carry out, so that related to investment protection there is still minimal protection. Therefore investment activities really need a clear legal umbrella in a short time.

Meanwhile, the Special Staff (Stafsus) of the Minister of State Secretariat (Mensesneg), Faldo Maldini then considered that the rejection that still occurs in the community regarding the Job Creation Law is due to their incomplete understanding of the positive impact this policy will have.

Therefore, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) continues to strive to improve communication patterns so that they are not linear. In fact, many discussions have been carried out in the community itself, but not a few of them are still dwelling on misperceptions.

In fact, not all points of the Job Creation Law support the oligarchy as has been echoed so far. In fact, it is strictly regulated that the company cannot at all carry out termination of employment (PHK) arbitrarily.

On the same occasion, the Secretary General of the Central Governing Body for the Indonesian Young Entrepreneurs Association (BPP HIPMI), Anggawira emphasized that actually in substance, the Ciptaker Law was very good because it made it easier for entrepreneurs by trimming the licensing bureaucracy, which was very different when it came to the era before President Jokowi’s leadership because at that time to set up a company was indeed very expensive with complicated rules.

The founder of the Indonesian Intelligent Communication Movement (GCKI), Ellys L Pambayun, was also present during the discussion. He stated that indeed the government itself has made a lot of efforts to continue to build public aspirations and participation by carrying out many things such as outreach, discussions and so on.

It is very clear that the job field is indeed very wide open with the ratification of the Job Creation Law. The reason is that the regulation makes it easier for all business activities or doing business so that the number of businessmen becomes more and more, even those who were previously workers are now becoming businessmen, automatically the employment opportunities are increasingly broad.

)* The author is a contributor to the Cross Nusamedia Institute

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