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The Job Creation Law Provides Justice for UMKM


By : Ananda Prameswari )*

Justice for MSME players throughout Indonesia will be realized much more optimally, after the Job Creation Law comes into force, which already regulates and contains many regulations, mainly trying to balance the portion of business between MSMEs and large industrial players so that later there will be no more gaps.

Deputy Chairperson III of the Job Creation Law (UU) Task Force, Raden Pardede stated that his party continues to strive for ease of development, especially for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) with this regulation.

How could it not be, the article is indeed very important for the Government of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) to be able to continue to make efforts so that MSMEs can be easy to develop, because this is due to the fact that the largest job creation in the country actually comes from micro, small and medium enterprises. the.

Therefore, because the existence of MSMEs is able to help create a large number of jobs in Indonesia, of course it is the duty and obligation of the Central Government and Regional Governments (Pemda) to jointly make regulations that continue to facilitate business development in society. that, including one of them with the enactment of the Job Creation Law.

With the existence of the Job Creation Law, it is indeed a formulation from the Government of Indonesia in the process of strengthening the economy in society, one of the efforts that continues to be made so that economic strengthening can be created is to cut down on the bureaucracy which so far has been considered too long and complicated.

Because, if all the bureaucratic processes that were previously long and convoluted could be trimmed, so that services to the community, especially to MSME players and also investors who want to invest can be much faster and also automatically, strengthening the people’s economy can be achieved.

The existence of a program through the Job Creation Law, especially in the framework of strengthening the community’s economy by continuing to cut the existence of long and convoluted bureaucracy so as to create fast service for the community, indeed later it must also be able to become a sustainable program from the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and it should also be able to continue to be implemented properly. good, because indeed the policy is very pro-micro, small and medium enterprises.

Meanwhile, a legal observer from Gadjah Mada University (UGM) Yogyakarta, Nindyo Pramono also explained that one of the most important benefits of having the Job Creation Law enforced in society is to create ease of doing business or ease of doing business.

The alignment of this regulation, especially towards MSME actors, is clearly very large because it allows micro, small and medium business actors to have an equal portion of their business with those in large industries.

There is an effort to be able to provide the same portion of business between the two business actors at different levels. continue to gain access to goods and also a much larger market when compared to MSME actors.

Therefore, the solution provided by the Government of Indonesia through the existence of clear regulations in the Job Creation Law also regulates and allows for partnerships or cooperation between the two business actors at different levels, so that both are able to get a balanced portion.

So far, many parties have been waiting and really hoping, how can there be justice for the gap in access for MSME actors when compared to large industrial business actors. Therefore, the partnership system is the solution.

In fact, the Job Creation Law itself has clearly explained that it is indeed one of the tasks of the Government of Indonesia, namely to be able to continue to bridge partnerships between micro, small and medium business actors and actors in large industries.

In order to be able to realize the existence of a bridge and also create fairness in the business climate, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia made a series of regulations contained in the Job Creation Law regarding this business partnership, which includes many aspects, starting from the transfer of skills in the field of production and processing. , marketing, capital, human resources to technology.

Going forward, players in large industries will have a much more balanced portion of their business, because regulations have also been clearly made and regulate them through the enactment or implementation of the Job Creation Law. So that with this balanced portion of business, it is clear that it will bring justice to all MSMEs in the country.

)* The author is a Media Room Contributor

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