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Government Consistency Improves People’s Welfare, Proves Papua An Integral Part of NKRI


*) By: Olivia Hailey)*

The Government of Indonesia is consistently committed to improving the well-being of the people of Papua as an integral part of the State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). Papua has the same right as any other territory in Indonesia to experience progress and development disruption. To this, various innovative efforts are being made by the government, both at the central and regional levels, to promote improved quality of life in Papua.

One of the significant initiatives is the collaboration between the Deputy Governor of Papua Mountains, Velix Wanggai, and the Government of Papua Province in accelerating the development of welfare in Papua Mountain based on local social and cultural values. Although the Papua Mountains have become a new province, this cooperation shows that Papua remains united in one social and cultural union under the umbrella of the NKRI.

This collaboration covers a wide range of aspects, including the promotion of socio-cultural, human resource capacity-building, economic development, and the tourism sector. The promotion is expected to raise local cultural identities, such as art exhibitions and cultural attractions, as well as develop the potential of local communities in various economic sectors. This step is the initial foundation for building social and cultural well-being in the Papua Mountains.

However, behind Papua’s natural and cultural wealth, great challenges remain, especially in connection with the conflicts that often color the region. The government is aware that conventional approaches are no longer effective in dealing with the situation in Papua. Therefore, a new strategy is being implemented to ensure stability and security in Papua, one of which is through a change in the way in which to deal with the separatist group, which is now known as the Papua Liberation Organization. (OPM).

TNI Commander General Agus Subiyanto reaffirmed that the approach to the OPM is now more firm and harsh, in line with the primary task of the security apparatus to maintain the sovereignty of the country. This move has widespread support from the public who hope that this decisive effort will restore order and security in Papua.

In addition to security enforcement, the government also continues to improve the well-being of the Papua people through infrastructure development. This development is not only to accelerate economic growth, but also to improve accessibility and connectivity, especially in the inland areas that have been so hard to reach. One of the important projects being developed is the Trans Papua Road, which is expected to reduce economic inequalities and open up new jobs for Papua people.

The head of the National and Political Union Agency (Kesbangpol) of Papua Province, Musa Isir, revealed that massive infrastructure construction could cut logistics costs by up to 50% and reduce the unemployment rate. The central government continues to strive to bring about the demolition of development, even though there are still obstacles from certain parties that interfere with the process.

Adjib Al Hakim, Executive Vice President, Secretary of Hutama Karya Company, explained that the Trans Papua project, which is in the planning phase, will be the main transportation route from Jayapura to Wamena. The project is expected to boost economic growth, improve accessibility, and regional connectivity, as well as improve the well-being of the people in Papua.

The deputy governor of Southwest Papua, Muhammad Musa’ad, added that the government has paid special attention to Papua by formulating policies designed to accelerate development and enhance prosperity. These efforts include the granting of special autonomy, infrastructure development, as well as improved education and empowerment of the Papua people.

Papua has undergone significant development in various sectors, such as infrastructure, health, education, and the economy. It is not only aimed at improving the well-being of the Papua people but also to strengthen the integration of Papua into the NKRI. Papua is not only an area on the east end of Indonesia, but also a part that enriches the identity of the nation. The cultural diversity, the uniqueness of nature, and the richness of natural resources make Papua an important part of Indonesia.

In an effort to build a more advanced Papua, it is important for the entire society to continue to strengthen unity, respect diversity, and preserve the integrity of the NKRI. Papua is not only part of the map, but also part of Indonesia’s soul and self. The Government will continue its efforts to improve the well-being of the entire people of Papua as an integral part of the NKRI, in the hope of creating lasting peace and progress in the Land of Cenderawasih.

If detailed, the government’s efforts for Papua include granting special autonomy in order to improve the well-being of the Papua people and reduce the gap with other Indonesian territories. Furthermore, improved infrastructure development in Papua, as well as improved education and empowerment of Papua people so that they can compete with the rest of the Indonesian region.

Papua is not only a remote region on the east end of Indonesia, but also an identity that enriches the nation. The cultural diversity, the uniqueness of nature, and the potential of abundant natural resources make Papua an integral part of Indonesia. In an effort to build a more prosperous Papua, it is important for the entire society to continue to strengthen unity, respect diversity, and preserve the integrity of the Indonesian nation. Papua is not only part of the map, but also part of Indonesia’s soul and self.

*) Students of Papua live in Gorontalo

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