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HTI Is Not Compatible With The Pancasila


The government has taken firm steps related to mass organizations that disagree with the ideology adopted by the Indonesian people through the ratification of the Ordinance Act. Since the Society Act is still a Perppu, it has dissolved one of the organizations that often acts anarchist, namely HTI.

The move, taken because the government sees the need to immediately maintain the security and order of developing countries. In its development in Indonesia, HTI became a political movement that influenced public opinion to replace the Unitary State of Indonesia based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution with the concept of the Khilafah.

Three reasons for the government to dissolve HTI. First, as a legal body, HTI does not play a positive role to take part in the development process to achieve the national goals. Secondly, activities carried out by HTI indicated strongly against the objectives, principles and characteristics based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia as stipulated in Law Number 17 Year 2013 on Community Organizations. Third, activities conducted by HTI are considered to have caused a collision in a society that can threaten the security and public order, and endanger the integrity of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia.

Because it does not accept its dissolution, HTI proposes a test of the material. But the test of the material automatically fall due to the legalization of the Ordinance Act. The government’s decision to discipline the existing CSOs through the ratification of the Community Ordinance is the right step. The step is a form of government assertiveness in ordering anti-Pancasila mass organizations and four pillars of democracy, namely Pancasila, 1945 Constitution, Bhinneka Tunggal Ika and NKRI.

The step of HTI dissolution is not a form of government abuse. Therefore, HTI party is entitled to file a lawsuit of a government decision to court to prove that anti-Pancasila allegations are not true.

Decision of dissolution basically does not negate the right of freedom of association to members and management of HTI. With the record, the organization should make Pancasila a foundation in the Articles of Association and Bylaws and have no agenda beyond national and state consensus.

The government considers the ideology of Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) mass organizations not in accordance with what is stated in the Articles of Association and Bylaws. In the proposed AD / ART, HTI listed their ideology as Pancasila, but in reality many HTI activities are in conflict with Pancasila and NKRI Soul. Therefore, the HTI step to propose the Judicial Review is irrelevant because of the large number of evidence indicating that at the time of becoming an official organization registered in the government did not act in accordance with Pancasila as the state ideology.

By: Mirwan Achmad*)

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