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Intolerance Between Religious Communities and Society Dystopia

Dystopia Education Causes Intolerance
Dystopia Education Causes Intolerance

Oleh: Widya Caterine)*

Jakarta – CIDISS. While echoes of gender equality and human rights are very tight raised. There are things that tickle the people of Indonesia today is intolerance between religious communities Indonesia is a country with Pancasila. Where in the State of Indonesia there are various culture and religious diversity. But there is little of the nation who are less interpret such diversity. They are busy to make uniform ideology and understand it as a true.

It matters relating to Intolerance is also closely related to educational dystopia. What is the educational dystopia? Dystopia education is education that failed. Today many generations of Z that is easily ignited emotions and ego if there is a negative sentiment released without going to see the obvious truth and facts about the sentiment.

Intolerance between religious communities, educational dystopia it will very likely bring dystopia society. Society is produced by the failure of education. Communities that arise due to failure equitably promote literacy. Unknowingly failed because the education was not strong enough to fortify the younger generation to induce critical thinking theoretical, but only visible on the surface so it can easily destroy an instinctive understanding and tolerance among religions.

For it would be better if the education system can be elaborating between experience and abstraction. So that the generation Z can form a positive self complexity, where the complexity of the self when directed will bring an intelligent thought and dignity and can bring empathy and marginalize the youthful spirit of intolerance in the next generation.

)* Jakarta Contributor


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