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Kotawaringin Barat regency develop Integration cow-palm oil program

Integration program: Kotawaringin Barat Regency develops a program for the integration of the cow-Palm oil.
Integration program: Kotawaringin Barat Regency develops a program for the integration of the cow-Palm oil.

By: Choirul Fuadi)*

CIDISS – Kotawaringin Barat Regency, Central Kalimantan, is one of area that develops the integration of the cow-Palm program. The large area of kotawaringin Barat which many palm oil plantation and also the readiness of the infrastructure, it make Kotawaringin Barat has chosen for program development.

This program is a combination of agriculture and animal husbandry. Cattle feed eats palm leaves and boughs, while the cow will become solid dung compost for Palm.

Director General of animal husbandry and Veterinary of the Ministry of agriculture, direct review the system program of integration cow -palm oil or better known as Siskasi.

He went to two existing Siskasi enclosure in dairy farms PT Sulung Ranch and dairy farmer groups Subur Makmur.

In the field, Muladno said, Kobar community assumed ready to that program. Better than other areas, the most appropriate being Siskasi development centers.

“There is already a machine, oil palm grinded into the feed. Tools for making compost from cow dung is also already exist, “says Muladno as in Borneonews.co.id.

With a large area of Palm oil plantation, this would make the availability of food for cow cattle. In addition, there is also the added economic value that could be obtained by the community in managing the oil and cattle at a time, i.e. the availability of compost obtained from solid impurities.



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