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After the incident, investment security and work safety in North Morowali are more secure


Central Sulawesi – An incident of rioting between workers at PT Gunbuster Nickel Industry (GNI) in North Morowali, Central Sulawesi, some time ago, provided valuable lessons for many parties, including workers and investors in North Morowali.

Of course, this incident reminds a number of parties to be able to better protect each other, respect and improve investment security guarantees and work safety.

“Investment security guarantees are very important, offset by increased work safety for workers, especially in North Morowali,” said Head of Komnas-HAM Central Sulawesi Representative Dedi Askary , during a friendly meeting between Central Sulawesi Komnas-HAM and LKBN ANTARA Central Sulawesi Bureau, in Palu, Wednesday (18 /).

He added that the incoming investment in North Morowali could no doubt support development in the area.

With investment, said Dedi, the wheels of the economy will automatically spin and run in society. In addition, the economic life of the local community will increase.

Furthermore, the Chairman of the Central Sulawesi National Commission on Human Rights explained that an increase in the community’s economy would directly impact the regional economy, especially North Morowali. Therefore normal conditions must be maintained together.

On the other hand, Dedi said occupational safety and health are the basic rights of workers or workers that must be fulfilled by companies making investments.

Aljufri also conveyed the same thing . He admitted that he was concerned about the riot incident at PT GNI and hoped that all parties would be able to exercise restraint in order to avoid a negative impact that would have a bigger impact.

“After all, investment activities have benefits for the community. Although there were indeed damages arising from the incident,” he said.

The chairman of the Central Sulawesi MUI appealed that the problems that occurred must be resolved quickly because the losses were not only experienced by the company but also the community.

“Maybe some of the workers were not involved, but because of the consequences of the incident, they were eventually affected. Maybe also because there is incitement or competition. So what needs to be resolved is who is behind the incident, because it can’t have happened on its own, let alone that it has taken the lives of both foreign workers and local workers,” said Habib Ali.

Previously, North Morowali Regent ( Morut ) Delis Julkasson Hehi said to the residents and workers at PT GNI, we must continue to maintain the conduciveness of the North Morowali area, which is now back to normal.

“People will not know Morowali Utara if PT.GNI is not present here , it must be realized that the presence of this company has a big contribution to this area. Apart from that, it also has a positive impact on kiosk traders, fish sellers, fishermen in Tumori Bay , and vegetable sellers around this area,” said the Regent of North Morowali.

The Regent of North Morowali added that about a thousand people’s fate is at stake here , the small businesses that are present here depend on this company, therefore we must be able to open our horizons of thought to be able to maintain good conditions together for the common good.

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