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Apkam Prioritizes Maintaining Public Security From OPM Ahead of 2024 Regional Elections


By : Aprilia Nova Salabay )*

Public security in Bumi Cenderawasih faces serious challenges ahead of the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Elections. The Free Papua Movement (OPM) continues to carry out acts of terror that disturb the community, especially in the Intan Jaya area.

The increasing frequency of attacks by separatist groups has forced the government and security forces to increase patrols and security to ensure public safety during the regional democratic celebration.

The intensity of attacks launched by OPM in Intan Jaya, Papua, in recent weeks has disrupted preparations for the implementation of the Pilkada. The attacks targeting security forces and civilians have caused fear among the community, especially in vulnerable locations. The government has also set public security as a top priority to ensure the smooth running of this five-yearly local political contest.

In response to the increasingly critical situation, the Mantap Praja Cartenz II 2024 Operation Task Force conducted large-scale patrols at night in several vulnerable areas in Papua. Head of the Banops OMPC II Central Papua Task Force, AKBP Herzoni Saragih, said that this patrol involved around 75 personnel consisting of the Papua Police, Brimob, and Polres. With a proactive approach, this step was taken to ensure security during the campaign period until the voting day on November 27.

According to Herzoni, this intensive patrol activity aims to create a safe and peaceful situation for the community, so that the presence of officers can be felt as a form of real protection for the public.

He emphasized that patrols will continue to be carried out in areas considered vulnerable to prevent various forms of threats that could disrupt the conduciveness of the 2024 Pilkada.

OPM’s actions, which often involve attacks on security forces and civilians, have created an atmosphere of uncertainty and fear in the area. Therefore, the police and the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) have tightened patrols in strategic areas to maintain stability and protect the public from threats that may arise amid preparations for the regional head elections.

Not only targeting security posts, the OPM group is also reported to often threaten regional head candidates and campaign participants. Pasi Intel Battalion 509, Lettu TNI Purba, highlighted that OPM’s actions were aimed at creating instability and fear in the community who were preparing to welcome the Pilkada.

According to Purba, the separatist group even tried to take advantage of the political situation by asking for security funds from local political candidates. If the demands were not met, the OPM would not hesitate to commit acts of violence and threaten the safety of the candidates.

Lieutenant Purba emphasized that the group’s efforts to create instability have had a negative impact on the security situation in Intan Jaya. On November 1, 2024, the separatist group launched a terror attack that disturbed residents while they were gathering at the campaign location, increasing public fear ahead of the Pilkada.

In order to anticipate further attacks, the TNI has increased security in areas considered vulnerable by placing extra guards in city centers and other strategic locations. Purba also appealed to the public to remain vigilant and avoid vulnerable locations during the campaign period.

It did not stop there, OPM was reported to have openly disrupted the campaign with sporadic attacks that risked the safety of civilians and officers.

Lieutenant TNI Irawan Soeharto from Battalion 509 revealed that in early November, attacks that occurred for two consecutive days showed that separatist groups were trying to disrupt stability ahead of the regional elections. The attacks were not only targeting security posts, but also civilians who gathered at campaign locations.

Irawan added that the attack caused teaching and learning activities in several schools around the location of the incident to be stopped for the safety of students and teachers. Although the current situation is gradually conducive, educational activities in several schools are still unable to run normally.

Security forces continue to strive to maintain public safety, while preventive efforts continue to be carried out so that residents can live their daily lives with a sense of security.

The tension created by the OPM in Papua shows that the group has the intention to obstruct the implementation of the regional elections, with indications pointing to efforts to disrupt the smooth running of the local democratic party that the community has been waiting for.

These attacks indicate that the separatist group deliberately used the momentum of the regional elections to spread terror, which it hopes will attract international attention and put pressure on the Indonesian government.

The presence of security forces in securing Bumi Cenderawasih from the threat of OPM is expected to bring a sense of security and stability ahead of the Pilkada. Full support from the TNI and Polri is real evidence that the government is serious about protecting the Papuan people so that they can exercise their political rights in a safe atmosphere.

Security is a top priority to ensure that people in Papua can play an active role in the regional head elections calmly, and carry out their daily activities without being haunted by fear of interference from separatist groups.

)* Papuan Students Living in Surabaya

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