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Beware of the Dangers of Online Gambling Addiction Triggering Criminal Actions in Society


By: Rendy Putra Wijaya)*

The phenomenon of online gambling or judol in Indonesia has reached an alarming point. In addition to eroding the mentality of the young generation, this illegal activity creates new poverty and increases crime rates in society. The destructive impact of online gambling cannot be underestimated because of its addictive nature that damages individual lives and the wider social environment.

Coordinating Minister for Community Empowerment, Muhaimin Iskandar, described online gambling as a social disaster that threatens the sustainability of society. Muhaimin assessed that this problem damages the cycle of community welfare. He also emphasized the importance of mitigation, rehabilitation, and reintegration efforts for victims as a strategic step to address this problem.

The dangers of online gambling are not limited to financial losses. East Java DPRD member from the PKB faction, Ahmad Athoillah, said that the impacts include the degradation of the nation’s character. He explained that the younger generation, who should be productive, are actually trapped in false hopes of getting rich quickly through gambling. According to him, in 2024 there will be around 8.8 million online gamblers in Indonesia, with the majority coming from low-income young people. This is a serious warning for national development.

A recent tragic case in Padang Pariaman is clear evidence of the negative impacts of online gambling. A stepfather abused his toddler stepdaughter after losing in gambling. The violence caused the victim to suffer a broken thigh bone and bruises. This case, according to various parties, reflects how psychological pressure due to online gambling addiction can trigger criminal acts.

Elsewhere, in Pangkalan Banteng, West Kotawaringin Regency, a man was found hanging. Central Kalimantan Police Chief Inspector General Djoko Poerwanto stated that the victim was in debt due to frequent online gambling. One witness explained that the victim was previously charged a debt of Rp850,000 but was unable to pay it off. This case shows how online gambling can destroy an individual’s economic stability and lead to tragedy.

Ahmad Athoillah also emphasized that online gambling addiction strengthens instant lifestyles that distance the younger generation from productivity. He said that instead of pursuing education or skills, the younger generation is trapped in destructive habits. Therefore, according to him, the younger generation should be directed towards education, skills, and entrepreneurship to support national development.

Handling online gambling requires a holistic approach. Law enforcement against online gambling platforms must be carried out firmly and consistently. However, this step needs to be accompanied by an educational campaign about the dangers of online gambling and the importance of digital literacy. The public, especially the younger generation, must be given a deep understanding of the negative impacts of this illegal activity. In addition, the role of the family in guiding children and adolescents to stay away from instant lifestyles is very important.

Furthermore, the government and various related parties must create positive alternatives for the younger generation. Increasing access to education, skills training, and entrepreneurship programs are concrete steps that can reduce the appeal of online gambling. Athoillah emphasized the importance of ensuring that the younger generation has access to positive activities to prevent them from the false promises offered by online gambling.

Collective public awareness is also needed to combat this phenomenon. The involvement of local communities in providing education and support for victims of online gambling addiction can be an additional solution. In addition, building a social environment that supports the values ​​of productivity and integrity is essential to stem the negative impacts of online gambling.

Preventive measures also need to be strengthened by utilizing technology. The government can work with internet service providers to block access to online gambling sites. In addition, illegal content detection applications can be optimized to minimize public exposure to online gambling. This approach will not only suppress the existence of illegal platforms but also send a strong signal that the government is serious about handling this problem.

The government also needs to increase cooperation with the education sector to include online gambling hazards in the school curriculum. Early education about the risks of online gambling will help children understand the negative consequences, so that they grow up with the awareness to stay away from this illegal activity. This support will also be a strong foundation in creating a more qualified young generation.

Given the broad impact of this phenomenon, Indonesian society must be aware of the dangers of online gambling. With cooperation from various parties, including the government, society, and families, this problem can be overcome. We must ensure that the young generation of Indonesia remains on the right track, becomes productive individuals and contributes to the progress of the nation. Because, the future of Indonesia is in their hands, and must not be damaged by illegal activities such as online gambling.

*) The author is a contributor to Singkawangpos.com

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