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Explaining the Advantages of the National Criminal Code, MAHUPIKI Holds Outreach in Pontianak


The Indonesian Criminal Law and Criminology Society (MAHUPIKI) again held socialization of the Criminal Code (KUHP) in Pontianak City. This is done to fill the transitional period of the National Criminal Code which came into force 3 years after its ratification.

The socialization presented Professor of the Law Faculty of Semarang State University Prof Dr R Benny Riyanto SH MH, Professor of Criminal Law FH Undip Prof. Dr. Pujiyono, SH. M.Hum., and Professor of the Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia (UI), Prof. Dr. Topo Santoso

Professor of the Law Faculty of Semarang State University Prof. Dr. R Benny Riyanto said that so far we have used the Dutch colonial heritage Criminal Code, even today it is still being enforced because even though Law No. 1/2023 has been promulgated, but there is still a 3-year transition period.

“The old Criminal Code that we have used more or less was born in 1918, so we have been using it for more than 100 years. In addition, there was still no official translation, therefore in 1958 the LBHN was formed and the idea was that it was important to make the National Criminal Code,” Benny explained.

Prof. Benny explained that traveling the National Criminal Code required quite a bit of time and there were some quite basic changes from the systematics of the National Criminal Code with WvS.

“The urgency of the need for the National Criminal Code was born due to a change in the paradigm of retributive justice, whose concept is in the WvS Criminal Code,” said Prof. Benny.

Meanwhile, the National Criminal Code was born through a public hearing process so that it accommodates all aspirations from all elements of society. So we have to carry out what has become our decision together.

On the same occasion, Professor of the Faculty of Criminal Law, Diponegoro University, Prof. Dr. Pujiyono SH M.Hum said there were many reasons in the renewal of the Criminal Code so that a new Criminal Code was born.

“The public hearing itself must fulfill 3 elements, namely the right to be heard, so the legislators are obliged to hear what is proposed by the public, then the right to be explained, so from the proposal there must be an explanation. And the right to be considered in accordance with the mandate from the Constitutional Court. However, this does not include the right to be accommodated because Indonesian society is plural,” he said.

Meanwhile, in his remarks Professor of the Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia (UI), Prof. Dr. Topo Santoso explained that the Criminal Code socialization event was a collaboration between Mahupiki and Tanjungpura University. This event was initiated to disseminate the substance of criminal law and have dialogue on the substance to stakeholders, law enforcement, the academic community, and other elements.

“The National Criminal Code was drafted across generations together with the government and the DPR, for this it is necessary to socialize it. As a new legal product, there is a lot of public ignorance regarding the substance of the National Criminal Code. The knowledge gained is expected to be able to thoroughly understand the substance of the national Criminal Code and reduce legal uncertainty.” said Prof. Dr. Topo.

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